Saturday, April 10, 2010

Remember when? Dark Shadows

I wasn’t even born when Dark Shadows first came out. My sister, God bless her, was practically an insomniac watching reruns of this classic crap in the late 70’s. I vaguely remember the main character, vampire Barnabas Collins. But I came across this remake of the classic not too long ago. It was done by MGM in 1991.

Even though this is a blog about primarily books, I thought from time to time, I’d highlight a creepy classic movie/film/tv series etc…as well. Dark Shadow’s was a gothic soap opera that initially ran from 1966 to 1971. For more information on Dark Shadows, check out this link from Wikipedia. 

In 1991, NBC created a Dark Shadows (1991) series, remaking the original. The storyline focuses on vampire Barnabas Collins being released after centuries of being in his coffin. He’s returned home and is renovating his old lair located in New England. He’s going around killing people for blood and wooing young Governess Victoria Winters.  I’m not saying it’s the best movie or tv show to watch but hey, Dark Shadow’s is a classic.  And if you like vampires, ghosts, werewolves - basically anything that’s creepy - than take a look see. Dark Shadows can definitely be cheesy at times so FYI when you're watching it.  Once you do, you can say you’re familiar with the series.  And people will think you're cool.

Until next time – creepy can be cool too.

Mina B. 


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