JulNoWriMo: First off, anyone participating in July Novel Writing Month? I'm going to try but I fear I may be off to a bad start. For those interested, that's a whopping 1600+ words per day. Are my writer buddies up for the task? Let me know if your in.
ISWG: Insecure Writers Support Groups is scheduled for Wednesday so I'm looking forward to that. I could use some support lately. Keep your fingers crossed that my book releases this month. I've had a heck of a time crossing all the items off on my self-pub To Do list so please bare with me.
Guest posts & author interviews: If you're looking to promote your book and need some help, please drop me an email. I'll be happy to work with you on a post. My schedule won't allow me to review books though, but I can still promote authors. :)
Giveaways: Since I've been remiss with my blogging duties, I haven't given away any free sh** in some time, so without further delay, it's time for the...
Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop
Mary at Book Hounds and Kathy at I am a Reader Not a Writer are hosting this year's Freedom hop. *waves to the blogger babes* Hi, girls. Thanks for hosting one of my fav hops.
Summer is here and nothing's better than enjoying the summer months with a good book. My free sh** fairy is on vaca so you'll have to be satisfied with a Amazon GC. What can I say? My fairy has turned into a lazy a** fairy. I'm giving away to one (1) lucky winner a free $10 Amazon gift card.
To enter my Freedom to Read Hop...
You MUST be a follower of my blog and MUST fill out this entry form.
Extra entries:
+2 Like me on Facebook/AuthorMinaBurrows
+2 Adding me in your circle on GooglePlus/MinaBurrows
+1 if you Retweet this on Twitter (limit 1 retweet)
Again, the giveaway starts at 12:01 AM EST on Tues. July 2nd and runs through July 9th midnight. Contest is open to International participants.
Check out who else is participating. Visit Book Hounds and Kathy at I am a Reader Not a Writer and hop on by.
Update: Congrats to Jessica B. for winning the FRGH. The winner was chosen by the reputable Random.org and has been notified via email. They have 72 hours to respond.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Again, the giveaway starts at 12:01 AM EST on Tues. July 2nd and runs through July 9th midnight. Contest is open to International participants.
Check out who else is participating. Visit Book Hounds and Kathy at I am a Reader Not a Writer and hop on by.
Update: Congrats to Jessica B. for winning the FRGH. The winner was chosen by the reputable Random.org and has been notified via email. They have 72 hours to respond.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for participating! Happy 4th!
Mina B.
Mina B.
You're back, I missed you!! Sorry to hear life was cray-cray for you last month, but oh am I excited to hear about your book coming out his month--that just rocks! For me, it's just the opposite, things are getting crazier and crazier for me, especially with the kids going on summer break here at the end of the week.... yikes!! I think we all need a little IWSG hugs!! :D
Hey Mina! We have missed you. Let us know when your book launches - I'll do a big shout-out for you.
See you Wednesday for the IWSG.
Hi Mina!
I wondered where you'd gotten to... nice to see you back in BlogLand! It's understandable that life gets in the way and some things (like blogging) have to take a back seat for a while. I feel so overwhelmed from time to time, trying to juggle writing/blogging/reading... and life in general that still needs to be added to the whole equation! Sheesh! Time is tight...
Your book is ready to launch? That is EXCITING news! Yay!! Keep us in the loop!
I'm using Camp NaNo to write my dissertation, so I only need to do 700 words a day - easy!
did all the extra entries also all under amy tolley and @amytolley1
Yeah! Thank you so much! I can't wait to get more books to read!
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