I won't bemoan the To Do list for my book for my IWSG post. I'm getting there so I'm thankful for that. For IWSG I decided to post something I saw on College Humor that had me rolling. I thought I'd share with you to maybe lighten your day or mood.
8 New Punctuation Marks We Desperately Need

Although they all are pretty darn funny, my favorite is the Mockwotation Marks. Do you have a favorite?
Mina B.
Those are hilarious!!! The hemi-demi-semi colon was the best until I got to the Morgan Freemark.
I like the andorpersand. I totally need that one!!!
Haha these are amazing, we definitely need them!
Bahahahaha! OMG, these are great! Love the Morgan Freeman. I'm totally sharing this!!
Love this!
haha. I like the sarcastises.
Allison (Geek Banter)
I had seen these and I thought they were hilarious. They made me laugh, mostly the Freemark one. :)
so totally awesome!! my 13yo is on the morgan freeman bandwagon. crack me up!!
and yay for any progress! keep writing!
Haha, love those! Especially the Sarcatises :D
Morgan Freemark!!!!! That is epic.
Loved those punctuation marks! and oh infernal detective sounds like an awesome read.
I laughed out loud at hemi-demi-semi colon because I think it's a rip-off of the musical note called hemi-demi-semiquaver...
But I love the superellipsis....... simply because it's the one punctuation mark that I over-use............
Writer In Transit
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