celebrating Fridays with Fred's 1 year Anniversary today. Yipee! *throws
confetti* Yes, it’s been one year, minions. Here's his very first post. And so to celebrate, I did this cool mosaic of nearly every
picture I’ve posted over the year to create one masterpiece. Ninja
cool, huh? I think so. Hope you think so too.
Happy Anniversary, Fred! |
Also, to celebrate this momentous occasion, I’m giving away one Free Book. You read that right, minions. I’m giving away one (1) copy of Lynsay Sands most recent bestseller in her Argeneau series, The Reluctant Vampire. See my review here. The contest starts today, September 16 - Friday, September 23, eod - so hurry and tell your friends!
To enter
You MUST be a follower of my blog AND leave a comment below.
Contestants must submit their name and GC in order to officially entered.
(Note: Must be 18 or older to enter. This contest is open to US only.)
Extra entries
+2 Like me on Facebook/Mina Burrows
+1 Retweet this (limited to one RT -paste link in comment)
Want to see
more of Fred? Click here.
And remember to visit Schatze too. Fred's completely smitten.
Mina B.
Mina and Fred: You two are the coolest. Happy Anniversary!! I look forward to every Friday when I can read your post. Thanks for putting a smile.
Also, Teri Y. Aki, Wasabi's little brother, says Hi.
Happy Anniversary!
Fridays are the best with Fred!
Sophie and Darcy send their best!
Happy Anniversary! \\_//\\_// cheers!
aww cute doggy XD
GFC & Twitter follower: kimyunalesca
Facebook fan: kim cuasay
email subscriber
Awwwwww - what a little sweetie!!!! Hugs & Happy Friday to you two as well, give Fred an extra doggie treat from me lol
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com
GFC Mary DeBorde [M.A.D.]
how cute!
Love this series! Plese include me!
GFC - Maria (pronounced Mariah)
Name - Maria Smith
Facebook fan - Maria Smith
Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/Maria_Smith_76/status/114820546193129473
mmafsmith at gmail dot com
@Lisa - Fred doesn't deserve such loyalty. Okay...maybe he does.
@Carla - Thanks, sweetie. Fred love you back & Darcy & Sophie!
@Special thanks to @kimyunalesca @M.A.D. & @Maria (pronounced Mariah) - Doggie treats and entries are always welcomed! :)
Wonderful mosaic! Congratulations on your anniversary.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Rogue237/status/114883244847149056
mljfoland AT hotmail DOT com
Happy Anniversary, thanks for the giveaway!
GFC - areeths
areeths AT new DOT rr DOT com
I subscribe to your email and liked your facebook page!
Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway.
FB-Antane A
I am an email subscriber.
Thanks for the giveaway.. would love this book. :-)
Looks like a good book - love the cover!
I've subscribed via email,joce (at) joceadams (dot) com
Facebook: Jocelyn Adams
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com
GFC Mary DeBorde
+3 Just subscribed via email :)
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