Imago Interrupted

After this, they’d want her. After all this, in Margaret delusional mind, she'd achieve synchronicity.
“Hold still, Margaret. Almost done.” Dr. Frank said, making one last injection. The miasma of nitro seeped eerily from the cryotank.
The needle’s contents crept through Margaret’s veins. Laced with stem cells, the treatment promised to regenerate Margaret’s face to a youthful state.
Margaret mumbled.
“Don’t move. You’ll cause damage.” Dr. Frank clipped, blotting blood from her face.
Margaret’s mouth opened in pain. “Ahhhh.”
“Do not oscitate!” Dr. Frank shouted.
Margaret’s mouth opened in pain. “Ahhhh.”
“Do not oscitate!” Dr. Frank shouted.
Margaret panicked eyes glanced at his nurse. Her worried expression mirrored Margaret’s. Not good.
Dr. Frank cursed, snatching more gauze.
Margaret felt her lips become uncomfortably plump. Her forehead stretched far too much; underneath her tendons felt torn. She hadn’t planned for this; the horrifying lacuna where everything went terribly wrong. She wanted to scream.
Too late.
In the end, Margaret's beautification efforts were futile.
Truth be told, they were downright ugly.
Margaret felt her lips become uncomfortably plump. Her forehead stretched far too much; underneath her tendons felt torn. She hadn’t planned for this; the horrifying lacuna where everything went terribly wrong. She wanted to scream.
Too late.
In the end, Margaret's beautification efforts were futile.
Truth be told, they were downright ugly.
That's it! I'm adding this one to my Hallucinating Housewives #FF. Fun stuff. Looking forward to reading the others. :)
Mina B.
Ha! That last line was PERFECT for the story! Great job Mina!
Karma can be awful, huh? Nice one. Loved your tension building and the unfortunate consequences.
Great job, Mina! :)
Great last line to the story!
This is creepy and grotesque, two of my favourite things! It's hard to find too much sympathy for Margaret. Great job getting the challenge words in!
Mins is #3.
Wow! Nice and creepy and very topical!
I'm #44.
Definitely creepy, but nicely done!
This is awesome! Beauty that kills. :) Great job.
Nightmare! hey thats what vanity will do to you!
Pabkins @ Mission to Read
Ooh. That was deliciously dark and so much fun to read. Great job!
Looks to die for...
Love this story! The price of beauty, or ugly in this case. Loved it, Mina.
Creepy and dark - in a great way. I didn't expect the twist at the end. Yikes.
I'm # 157
The price of vanity...excellent. Great take on the challenge.
A topical and controversial subject ... and the last line was slamming !!
Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment on my blog !
Oo, Mina! I didn't realize you had a blog button. I'll add that to my scrolling blogroll. :)
Anyhoo, great work! I loved it. :)
Very creepy :) I loved it. Excellent story Mina!
Thanks, everyone for commenting. Aside from the fun of writing flash fiction, I prefer interacting with my writer friends more. *hugs*
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