If you recall, in The Accidental Vampire, Harper Stoyan was one of the gorgeous immortal suitors who lined up to date Elvi. Towards the end of that novel, Harper discovers his lifemate, Jenny, and believes he’s finally found happiness. In The Reluctant Vampire, we learn that, unfortunately, Jenny died during her “turning”which in return crushes Harper’s dreams of happiness. Lucky for Harper, Drina Argenis/Argeneau enters the story and changes his outlook considerably.
Sands was on point with the “reluctant” part of the tale. I mean…how many immortals get a second chance at fate? Or better yet, get two lifemates during one eternal life? Despite being attracted to Drina or any of the other “tell tale” lifemate signs, Harper tried to ignore the obvious. And if it wasn’t for their teenage charge, Stephanie, both Drina and Harper would proably still be at opposite ends. For as brooding as Harper tried to be, he had no chance. Drina’s character was witty and no nonsense –the perfect female to take on the reluctant male.
Lynsay continued with an interesting plot on mind-reading/no-fang vampires. I loved Stephanie’s back story and can’t wait to read more about her. And as much as I love the town, Port Henry, I’ve had enough of those backstabbing citizens. I won’t tell you what happens. Buy the book, read it and find out for yourself.
The Reluctant Vampire was a 4 for me. I thought it was classic Sands; a humorous, sexy paranormal romance book about love.
Until next time…write this down, the A R G E N E A U series. Got it? Good. Now go get it!
Mina B.
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