NBC’sDraculafeaturingJonathanRhysMeyerspremieredon last Fridaynight.Didyougetachancetoseeit?SinceI’msuchahugefanofBramStoker’sclassic,Dracula,Ihadtowatchit. My thoughts? Truthfully…I’monthefence. Check out a sneak peak below:
Warning: Spoilersarementioned.Readatyourownrisk. NBC's Dracula wasentertainingbutcompletelydifferentfromtheoriginalstory.Ifyouwantabriefoverviewoftheclassiclitnovel,seemyreviewhere.TheNBCversionofDracula is definitely unique because he's moreofavigilante and not necessarily a soulless bloodsucking monster (not yet anyway). Interestinghuh?Inthelate1800’sDraculaisawakenedandreinventshimselfasawealthyAmericanindustrialistnamedAlexanderGrayson.He’sswornvengeanceagainstasecretgroupofruthlessbusinessandpoliticalleaderscalledTheOrderoftheDragon.Thisgroupdidunspeakablethingsto Dracula hundredsofyearsago,andhedemandsrevenge. Someoftheoriginalcharactersarepresentinthistale,includingMina, Jonathan, LucyandevenVanHelsing butthe story has of course deviated.Sincethisisaseries,NBCmustcreateplotsthatwillenticeviewershipbeyondtheoriginaltale.AndsohowwillDraculaextractrevengefromhisadversaries?Inshort,Draculawantsto launch "wireless electricity technology" to the world andputtheOrderoftheDragonoutofbusiness.Isaiditwasadifferentstory line,didn'tI? Wasitentertaining?Isuppose.Willitbeenoughformetowatchanentireseasonortwo?Ihopeso,butI’mnotsure.Didyouseethepremier?Whatwereyourthoughts? If not click here to watch episode 1! MinaB.
I did watch it and I liked it but was not in love with it... yet. I really love Rhys at an actor but I'm still not feeling the plot or other characters yet and waiting for it all to blossom. But I will continue to watch and see where it takes me.
I haven't seen this yet but I do like the teasers. Hopefully it'll get better. I only saw the first couple episodes of Sleepy Hollow...does it get any better?
@Alex - I agree. I usually catch up with these shows on demand.
@Dani - Me too. That's why I'm on the fence and hopeful.
@Elise - I liked the teasers. I think they're better than episode one. I'm sort of doubtful on the Sleepy Hollow series. One can never get enough of the headless horseman.
It's not available where I am, but I wouldn't watch it anyway. There's no new spin on vamps (like with Angel or True Blood) - it's just the same old Dracula story.
Thanks for your good wishes on Alex's blog about my cover reveal. I appreciated them! :-)
I did watch the debut episode, and, well, I'm going to need to watch at least one more to make a call on this one. For some reason, I expected it to be more modern, and I was a little surprised it was a period piece. (I didn't see anything about this before it popped up on Hulu, so I came in totally fresh) But maybe I'm just getting it confused with the new Sleep Hollow :) Mr. Rhys Davies does need to work on that weird american accent, though. And one request for the writers of the show - let the vampires be vampires! Especially since this is the tale of the original grand daddy vampire. He better get to eat some people.
I watched it because I am a fan of his from the series of the Tudors.I enjoyed the new twist although I also love the original. Nothing wrong with a new twist that may bring the original author a new fan to such a beloved character or story.
Missed the first episode, tried the 2nd but couldn't get into it. I don't care much for Rhys, myself, and that he's being prevailed upon to speak in an American accent does nothing to raise his appeal in my eyes. He lacks an air of command I feel is necessary for a Dracula. I admit to being spoiled by Frank Langella's Count (1979, I think), as he was masterful. Shame, as I'm really into the late Victorian era, but I was disappointed by what I saw. May give it another go, but am not too enthused.
Elise, Sleepy Hollow irritated me initially, though I like the female lead a lot. Have not always managed to catch its first-run, as I've been traveling a lot for work and missing stuff, but want to catch up. It also doesn't follow the original (which annoys me), but I was just beginning to enjoy the dynamic between Abby and Ichabod. Check Out Mina's Resurrection Blogfest II!
I've seen a lot of commercials for Dracula and it looked cool, but I was skeptical. You don't sound totally sold on it, so I'll wait for now. I'm really enjoying this season of AHS: Coven.
I haven't seen it. I can't help being intrigued by the name Rhys. Is that just me?
I didn't watch it. Not sure I can take on another series right now.
I did watch it and I liked it but was not in love with it... yet. I really love Rhys at an actor but I'm still not feeling the plot or other characters yet and waiting for it all to blossom. But I will continue to watch and see where it takes me.
I haven't seen this yet but I do like the teasers. Hopefully it'll get better. I only saw the first couple episodes of Sleepy Hollow...does it get any better?
I'm with you - has some interesting pieces, but I'm not sure how well they'll pull it off.
@Tonja - I like Rhys too.
@Alex - I agree. I usually catch up with these shows on demand.
@Dani - Me too. That's why I'm on the fence and hopeful.
@Elise - I liked the teasers. I think they're better than episode one. I'm sort of doubtful on the Sleepy Hollow series. One can never get enough of the headless horseman.
@SL - Yeah. Me neither.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. :)
It's not available where I am, but I wouldn't watch it anyway. There's no new spin on vamps (like with Angel or True Blood) - it's just the same old Dracula story.
Thanks for your good wishes on Alex's blog about my cover reveal. I appreciated them! :-)
I did watch the debut episode, and, well, I'm going to need to watch at least one more to make a call on this one.
For some reason, I expected it to be more modern, and I was a little surprised it was a period piece. (I didn't see anything about this before it popped up on Hulu, so I came in totally fresh) But maybe I'm just getting it confused with the new Sleep Hollow :)
Mr. Rhys Davies does need to work on that weird american accent, though.
And one request for the writers of the show - let the vampires be vampires! Especially since this is the tale of the original grand daddy vampire. He better get to eat some people.
I watched it because I am a fan of his from the series of the Tudors.I enjoyed the new twist although I also love the original. Nothing wrong with a new twist that may bring the original author a new fan to such a beloved character or story.
I don't think it's available here yet, but I would definitely give it a go as I really enjoyed his portrayal of Henry VIII.
Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe
Missed the first episode, tried the 2nd but couldn't get into it. I don't care much for Rhys, myself, and that he's being prevailed upon to speak in an American accent does nothing to raise his appeal in my eyes. He lacks an air of command I feel is necessary for a Dracula. I admit to being spoiled by Frank Langella's Count (1979, I think), as he was masterful. Shame, as I'm really into the late Victorian era, but I was disappointed by what I saw. May give it another go, but am not too enthused.
Elise, Sleepy Hollow irritated me initially, though I like the female lead a lot. Have not always managed to catch its first-run, as I've been traveling a lot for work and missing stuff, but want to catch up. It also doesn't follow the original (which annoys me), but I was just beginning to enjoy the dynamic between Abby and Ichabod.
Check Out Mina's Resurrection Blogfest II!
I've seen a lot of commercials for Dracula and it looked cool, but I was skeptical. You don't sound totally sold on it, so I'll wait for now. I'm really enjoying this season of AHS: Coven.
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