Asthestoryunfolds,Persephonemustmakeachoice,staywithHadesandbehiseternalwifeintheUnderworldorloseherdestinedloveforever.ThatFatalKissalso featuresaslewofmythicalgodswithrobustpersonalitieswhoeruptright offthepage.Towardstheendofthenovel,thesegodsconveneinaspectacularshowdown—allin the name ofHadesandPersephone.Tryingtohavearelationshipisonethingbuthaving some mythicaldeitiesschemingforyourdemise—wellthat makes for some great storytelling.
WhatIlovedmostaboutthisbookwerethetwoclassiccharacters:HadesandPersephone.TheirlovestorywasepicandthewayMinaLobotellsit;youcanunderstandwhy.ThatFatalKiss was an intense,wild mystical ride filledwithseduction.Igaveita4.5becauseitwassimplyawesome.
Mina, I think I love you. Nah, in fact, I know I do. Thank you, so much, for this. The timing was perfect and it did my poor battered heart a LOT of good. <3 <3 <3
Wow, this book sounds amazing! I'm a huge fan of Greek mythology, and the Hades/Persephone tale is one of my favorites, so this seems like a must-read for me...
Seizing his bride, huh? How very barbaric in an intriguing way. I love the cover!
I love the myth of Hades and Persephone, and this sounds like an awesome read.
Mina, I think I love you. Nah, in fact, I know I do. Thank you, so much, for this. The timing was perfect and it did my poor battered heart a LOT of good. <3 <3 <3
Wow, this book sounds amazing! I'm a huge fan of Greek mythology, and the Hades/Persephone tale is one of my favorites, so this seems like a must-read for me...
@Dianne - The seizing part was deliciously barbaric! LOL.
@SL Hennessy & @Heather Holden - It was incredible!!!
@Mina Lobo - Such a good book, sweetie! Really well done.
Haven't been here in a while Mina. You do make this sound like an awesome and intriguing read.
Well I've been thoroughly seduced by your splendid review!
Hope you're well Mina? *waving hello*
Hey, y'all! ::waves back:: :-D
Awesome review, I've wanted to read this since Mina's cover reveal!
Aw! Thanks, Elise! :-)
@JL - Welcome back then. I've been a bit behind with blogging.
@Michelle - Hey, sweetie. *waves back* All is well. Thanks!
@Elise - It's sooooo good!
@Mina Lobo - What's it feel like to be so loved? XXOO!!
It's a lovely balm to my shattered soul, girl. <3
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