Monday, December 5, 2016

Book Buzz: Element Trilogy

Today I have Donna Galanti as a guest on my blog and I'm featuring her Element Trilogy which is on sale now through December 7th. How great is that? Just in time for the holidays too!  If you're not familiar with this series, I previously posted about the series here and here. Donna is here today to discuss the super cool topic of mind control.  Please welcome Donna!

Mind Control: Would You If You Could?


In my paranormal suspense novel, A Hidden Element, mind control is used by the Elyon cult community to get what they want – and its power can be taken away through punishment.

Yet, even while the Elyon community uses mind control to commit theft and murder they have strict rules about it being used on their own people. They know that uncontrolled use of it will lead to the very destruction of their community and the breakdown of rules.

The mission of a small "elite" group to control the masses is nothing new, in fiction or real life.

Dean Koontz uses mind control in his book Night Chills. By using a single phrase the antagonist can force innocent people into a hypnotic state to do whatever he wants. Even scarier is that this technique was created through an experimental government program.

And the very real CIA's MK-Ultra mind control program from 1953 to 1964 was a government program that conducted a series of covert experiments carried out on unwitting subjects with the aim of producing mind-control techniques. In 1973 the then director of the CIA destroyed nearly all of the MK-Ultra’s records. Perhaps most disturbing of all was the fact that the extent of experimentation on human subjects was unknown.

What if this happened to you, an “unwitting subject”? Would you just wake up missing time with no recollection of what you did during that missing time? Have you ever had missing time that you couldn’t account for? I have. Once I lost two hours of time. I was in my car to go shopping and when I looked two hours had passed and I had missed an appointment. I often wonder where did that time go? Did aliens kidnap me for an experiment? Was a government experiment conducted on me without my consent? Silly to think, but is it really?

In 1978 I was just nine years old and simultaneously horrified and fascinated by the story of Jim Jones in the news that shocked the world. Jones was best known for the mass suicide over 900 of his cult’s members in Jonestown, Guyana, by cyanide poisoning and the murder of five individuals at a nearby airstrip, including Congressman Leo Ryan.

As a child and now as an adult, I still can’t comprehend how so many could follow one man to their death. Yet, none of us are immune to mind control techniques. Peer pressure, hypnosis, sleep deprivation, fear, financial commitment, guilt, and isolation are just some ways we can be controlled to become people we never thought we might be. Here’s a post on mind control basics that details just how easy it can be.

Sadly, I know there will be more Jim Jones stories to come along. For as long as humans pursue power over the masses, mind control will be conducted by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small "elite" group.

In writing about mind control in A Hidden Element, I tried to find my own way to explain how this could lead someone to do the unthinkable when presented with the choices before them.

Do you believe in mind control? And would you control others if you could do it?


Evil lurks within…
When Caleb Madroc is used against his will as part of his father’s plan to breed a secret community and infiltrate society with their unique powers, he vows to save his oppressed people and the two children kept from him. Seven years later, Laura and Ben Fieldstone’s son is abducted, and they are forced to trust a madman’s son who puts his life on the line to save them all. The enemy’s desire to own them—or destroy them—leads to a survival showdown. Laura and Ben must risk everything to defeat a new nemesis that wants to rule the world with their son, and Caleb may be their only hope—if he survives. But must he sacrifice what he most desires to do so?

"Chilling and dark…a twisty journey into another world." —J.T. Ellison, New York Times bestselling author of When Shadows Fall

"Fascinating…a haunting story…"—Rebecca Cantrell, New York Times bestselling author of The World Beneath

"Will keep you up long past your bedtime...a pulse-pounding read."—Allan Leverone, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Final Vector


"Unrelenting, devious but full of heart. Highly recommended." —Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Code Zero

"Chilling and dark…a twisty journey into another world." —J.T. Ellison, New York Times bestselling author of When Shadows Fall

"Fascinating…a haunting story…"—Rebecca Cantrell, New York Times bestselling author of The World Beneath

Purchase the Element Trilogy on sale through December 7th

Book 1 A HUMAN ELEMENT for $0.99
Book 2 A HIDDEN ELEMENT for $1.99


Donna Galanti is the author of the paranormal suspense Element Trilogy (Imajin Books) and the fantasy adventure Joshua and The Lightning Road series (Month9Books). Donna is a contributing editor for International Thriller Writers the Big Thrill magazine and blogs with other middle grade authors at Project Middle Grade Mayhem. She’s lived from England as a child, to Hawaii as a U.S. Navy

Thanks so much Donna for stopping by. And thanks to Donna we have a special giveaway too.  See below for details and enter today!


Prize Pak:
Win $15 Amazon Gift Card, e-book of The Dark Inside, Element Trilogy story collection, and become a character in the final Element Trilogy book!

Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

Mina Burrows

Monday, November 14, 2016

Gratitude Giveaways Blog Hop - 2016

November is halfway through, and I'm still banging away at my key board trying to get my word count back up for NanoWriMo. Today I'm pausing things for a bit for this month's blog hop, which happens to be another favorite of mine.

Giving back and being grateful is so important to me. We all have ups and downs, but in my opinion learning to appreciate people and things no matter how you're fairing in life is the key to happiness. 

To show how much I appreciate my blog followers, readers and friends, I'm participating in the Gratitude Giveaways Blog Hop hosted by Mary at BookHounds.

For this GG hop, I'm giving away one (1) $10 Amazon GC to one great winner. The Giveaway hop starts on November 15th and runs until November 30th, eod. International participants welcome!

To enter…
You MUST be a follower of my blog and choose one of the following:

Subscribe to my blog


Like me on Facebook / Facebook/MinaBurrows

See the form to enter:

That's it.  I've tried to keep things simple. Want to see who else is
participating?  Visit here for more details.

Mina B.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Book Buzz: SPIN THE SKY by Jill MacKenzie

Today, for my Book Buzz series, I'm featuring an exciting young adult contemporary debut that released earlier this week called SPIN THE SKY by Jill MacKenzie.  Every now and then a contemporary book comes along that for me is a must read and this my friends is one of them!


Book Summary: Magnolia Woodson wants nothing more than to get her and her sister, Rose, out of the pitifully small, clamming-obsessed Oregon town that hates them—she just doesn’t know how. Forced to put up with the snide comments and hateful looks the townspeople throw at them, Mags thinks she’s destined to pay for the horrible, awful thing her mom did—and that she’s left her and Rose to deal with—
until the day she dies.

But when a nationwide televised dance competition posts tryouts in nearby Portland, Mags’s best friend, George, says they have to go and audition. Not only have they spent the past fourteen years of their lives dancing side-by-side, dreaming of a day just like this, but also it could be Mags’s chance of a lifetime—a chance to win the grand-prize money and get her and Rose out of Summerland, a chance to do the thing she loves most with everyone watching, a chance to show the town that she’s not—and has never been—a “no-good Woodson girl,” like her mother. But will the competition prove too steep? And will Mags be able to retain her friendship with George as they go head-to-head in tryouts? Mags will have to learn that following her dreams may mean changing her life forever.

About the author, Jill MacKenzie

Author Bio: Jill Mackenzie, a Vancouver native, is an ex-ballerina and contemporary dancer. Now working toward her MFA in creative writing at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Jill chasses between roles as part-time student, full-time mom, and always-writer. Though Jill no longer studies dance, she still tries to dance herself clean whenever she can. Currently she lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where she spends her free time beach-bound with her husband and two beautiful daughters.

For more information about Jill, visit her via her website at or follow her on Twitter at

Where to Buy SPIN THE SKY

If you're looking for your next hot YA book, then look no further.  The GoodReads reviews are pouring in so click here to find out more.  This debut novel is already getting buzz on Amazon as a hot "New Release in Teen & Young Adult Dance Fiction."  Get your own copy of SPIN THE SKY on Amazon here.

Sounds positively fantastic, huh?  Hope you enjoy it, my friends.

Have a great weekend.

Mina Burrows

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

IWSG: Quiet on the Nano Front

It's time for another month of IWSG.  How's everybody doing after Halloween?  I don't know about you, but this past weekend left me feeling exhausted and I'm so glad November's here to get back into the swing of things.

As you know, IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh and wouldn't be half as wonderful without his monthly support team, Joylene Novell Butler, Jen Chandler, Mary Aalgaard, Lisa Buie Collard, Tamara Narayan, Tyrean Martinson, and Christine Rains!  Special thanks to everyone who's helping this month.

November's ISWG question is What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?  For me that's an easy one, I love the creative process.  I honestly adore making stories up and wouldn't have it any other way.  My only insecurities this month have to do with keeping up with the Nano schedule, managing my house renovations and dealing my kids and their daily emergencies.  Ugh.  I'll manage though.  :)

NaNoWriMo Begins!

This month marks NanoWriMo, baby!  Let me know who's participating this year.  So far so good for me.  I'm off to a good start and for the most part I'm fairly organized.  I think staying organized is the key so that it's easier to find time to write.  I've logged into my Nano account and belong to a local group but in truth, I've never been to one of the meetings.  The kick-offs/write-ins/meetings are usually a minimum of half hour away so that doesn't work for me. I'm happy to do the virtual write-ins though.  I'm looking forward to this month despite all the chaos with my house.  I think the writing will be a pleasant distraction.

Gosh I can't believe it's already November.  Yikes!  Later this month look for a special Book Buzz post and I'm participating in the Gratitude Giveaway hosted by Bookhounds which starts Nov, 15th!

I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the week.

Mina Burrows

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pumpkin Carvings Inspired by Books

If you're like me, you've waited a bit longer to carve your pumpkin so that the darn thing doesn't shrivel up and die before Halloween.  Every year I look for inspiration when carving my pumpkins and every year I'm marveled at the creative minds that reinvent this tradition.  Gone are the days where you carve out simple geometric shapes to make your basic pumpkin.  Now the designs are getting more and more elaborate.  Such creative carvings might be a turnoff for some folks, but I'm willing to bet if you're a book lover, you'll see these designs and get a whole new appreciate for your favorite book and those wicked cool pumpkins.

If you're interested in where to get these designs, I pinned most of them on Pinterest.  Take a look here.

Harry Potter



Lord of the Rings


Headless Horseman


Where the Wild Things Are


True Blood


The Hunger Games




Game of Thrones


Cool huh?  Aren't these fun?  Well, I'm not sure which one I'll do.  I'm kind of partial to the Harry Potter eyes and scar one since it seems a bit easier to execute.  Anyway, wish me luck.  Have a great weekend.

Mina Burrows

Saturday, October 22, 2016

2016 Spooktacular Giveaway Book Hop

Hello my friends!  It's time for the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop 2016 hosted by Mary from Bookhounds!  As everyone knows, Halloween is one of my favorite times of year.  What a better way to celebrate then to participate in a giveaway that's all about books, the scarier the better!

There are over 100 blogs participating in this blog hop with such frightfully wonderful giveaways which I'm sure you'll be dying to enter!  Books and more books are what's at stack here but I'l like to keep things simple with these hops and with my giveaway. 

I'm giving away one (1) FREE $10 Amazon Gift Card.  See the details below on how to enter:

To enter…
You MUST be a follower of my blog and MUST fill out this entry form. (And yes, I do check GCF)

Extra entries…
+2 Subscribe to my blog
+2 Like me on Facebook/MinaBurrows

+1 Follow me on Google Plus
+1 Tweet this Twitter (limit 1 retweet)

The giveaway runs from 12:01 AM on Oct. 22nd - October 31st, midnight. Contest is open to
 International participants. 

Check out all the blogs participating by visiting Bookhounds!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Frenzy Friday: Something Really Scary Has Happened!

So what's happened that's terrified me?  I've just realized that I've only posted SIX posts so far this year.  And this is how I feel:


Yikes, I'm so sorry about that! Anyway, I thought I'd give you an update. The house is still in disrepair. The claim has gone many rounds and we are still waiting for the insurance company to do their part. This process is exhausting. Anyway...we'll get through it. Keep us in your prayers. Writing has been terribly difficult when you're living in a complete mess. UGH.

What's Happening Next?

SpookTacular Book Hop

Tomorrow the SpookTacular Book Hop Begins.  There are over 100 blogs participating in this event so be sure and stop on by to enter to win.  This is one of my favorite blog hops and not to mention my favorite time of year.  Can you say pumpkin spice latte?  There's nothing like overindulging in these while reading a wicked good book!  Come one.  Come all.  Stop by and enter to win or just say hi!  I'll be here in between insurance claims, client work and my scribbles of course.  

NaNoWriMo Starts Soon

It's happening again!  There are so many wonderful things that happen during November and NaNoWriMo is one of them.  Have you signed up yet?  I've pulled some things together and am making plans as we speak.  Wish me luck, my friends.  The house gods have tested me these last few months and I shall do my best to ignore the construction-mode my home is under in the wake of NNWM!  Indeed I shall need to summon a creative goddess to guide me towards success in achieving my writing goals. What about you?  Are you participating in next month's NNWM?

That's all I have for now.  Check back tomorrow when the blog hop is live.  Miss everyone!  Happy October!

Mina Burrows

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

IWSG: Tasting Life

Howdy partners!  It's Wednesday and time for another month of IWSG.  Created by Alex J. Cavanaugh, IWSG wouldn't be so awesome without support from these folks this month: Tamara Narayan, Tonja Drecker, Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor, Lauren @ Pensuasion, Stephen Tremp, and Julie Flanders!

I hope everyone's summer was fantastic!  Mine started off great with kids in camp and then a vacation, but then we cam home to a flood in our house.  Ugh.  Long story short, apparently this is a common occurrence--to go on vacation and come back to a flood.  Who knew?  Anyway, I'm dealing with insurance claims and renovations and trying desperately not to lose my mind.  That said, I'd like to share a picture of my vacation and let you fine people guess where I went.

Take a guess?

IWSG:  Tasting Life

This summer I've tasted life and then some. My writing is going okay but like many things, could be better, home issues aside.  The good news is I'm dealing with everything as best a possible. I found this quote that resonated with me and helped combat all the insecurities I'm feeling about writing.  

How many things have you written about that allow you to feel you've lived another life or several? Perhaps none, but I'll bet there have been many. Reading is one thing, but as you know writing is an entirely different thrill. Ever fought dragons, wielded a light saber, or cast a wicked curse? Ever get lost in a romance story, solve a murder mystery or possibly become embroiled in an epic family dispute? If so, then you've lived. There are times when this writing gig frustrates us whether its the writing, endless editing, querying or performing the other litany of "to-dos." I guess when it comes down to it, it's nice to have a sense that we've known our characters and our story's so intimately it's not only like we've lived multiple lives....we've created them. So when you're down like I've been recently, try to think of all the lives you've created, saved and lived. How's that for tasting life?   
Anyway, I'd love to hear about your summer. How's it going?

Sunday, June 5, 2016

IWSG: Ever Feel Like This?

Hey there blog fiends! I know I missed IWSG on Wednesday, but I still decided to do mine this weekend.  I know it's been awhile, but I wanted to get a quick IWSG post in before Summer kicks in and school breaks.  IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh and this month's host are Murees Dupe, Alexia Chamberlynn, Chemist Ken, and Heather Gardner!

How are things with you guys?  Like most, my world has been crazy and I'm praying Summer will give me the break I desperately need.  What about you? I feel like I blinked and 2016 is half way over.  Am I right?

IWSG:  Ever Feel Like This?

Anyway, I saw this picture and this summed up how I've been feeling for the last few months with managing life and expectations.

Who's with me in understanding Sasha's insane moment of resting with The Walking Dead?  For me this picture describes how numbing life can be with endless and mounting responsibilities.  It's not like I view it as bad, it's just life and its there and you deal with it.  It's like the dead featured here are my day-to-day demands and I'm managing to slay them all!  HAH!  And... it's also how I feel about my stories.  My writings are like these zombies here and they haunt me and torture me in ways that are indescribable,  And yet, they are my everything.  As challenging as the writing process can be, it is my foundation.  Ever feel that way?  Eh...maybe not.  Well, these thoughts may be a bit too much for an IWSG but it's how I've been lately.

What about you?  Tell me what's been going on.  I missed everyone.  Did you miss me too?  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Romance Is in the Air Blog Hop

Romance is in the air this February and I'm celebrating by participating in the The Romance is in the Air Giveaway Blog Hop, hosted by BOOKHOUNDS, and just in time for Valentine's Day. There are over 100 blogs participating in this blog hop, so join in the fun and let's share some love!

When you think of Romance novels, you must have a favorite author, right? You know it! And what's better than getting a free book by the author you love the most? Well, hold on to your rosebuds! Today to celebrate romance and all the gushing you do when you read a great love story, I'm giving away a simple prize where you can choose your own prize.

I'm giving away one (1) FREE $10 Amazon Gift Card to (1) winner, so that they may pick to their heart's content. See the details below on how to enter:

To enter…

You MUST be a follower of my blog and MUST fill out this entry form. (And yes, I do check GCF)

Extra entries…

+2 Subscribe to my blog
+2 Like me on Facebook/MinaBurrows
+1 Follow me on Google Plus
+1 Tweet this Twitter (limit 1 retweet)

The giveaway runs from 12:01 AM on February 4th - February 14th, midnight. Contest is open to International participants.

Want to see who else is participating? Visit BOOKHOUNDS and check out all the links and hop on by.

Mina Burrows

IWSG: Writing & Reading

Today, I'm posting for The Insecure Writer's Support Group for February.  IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh and this month's host are Allison Gammons, Tamara Narayan, Eva E. Solar, Rachel Pattison, and Ann V. Friend!

Progress is slow right now.  I'm hoping things will move a bit faster, but it challenged with managing all aspects of my life.  Sometimes even keeping up with my blog is a challenge. Sigh.  I won't bemoan those everyday challenges, because they are what they are, and I'm working through that.  Anyway, I saw a quote recently from Stephen King that mentioned the importance of reading in order to be a good writer.  Sometimes that's difficult for writers since we usually have so much on our plates.  I do read often at night when I can't sleep, I'll read a chapter or two.  One of the last books I read was At the Water's Edge by Sara Gruen and I really enjoyed it.  I'm not sure if I completely agree with Stephen King's comment entirely, but he does have a point.  How would be know what we like or don't like unless we read.  Right?  Anyway, I thought to ask my friends, do you agree with that statement or do you think it's a bit too harsh?  And if you don't mind, please share a book you read recently.

Hope a fantastic Wednesday!

Mina Burrows

Monday, February 1, 2016

Lost & Found - Valentine's Edition

Today's Lost & Found Blogfest - Valentine's Edition is hosted by Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out,
Guilie Castilol-Oriard at A Quiet Laughter , Elizabeth Seckman, Yolanda Renee, Denise Covey,
and Alex J. Cavanaugh.  My post is about discovering new things about love in my own life.

The Demons turned Angels

Valentines Day for me represents a time for celebration for I was gifted with my daughter almost nine years ago and found that love brought a whole new meaning to me.  She was born on February 2nd and has been making her mark ever since.  When I became a parent over a decade ago, I wasn't prepared for what parenting would bring me.  Who is though?  It's been a wonderful ride, however, filled with situations that I'd never dreamed of.  Lately, I've witnessed both my son and daughter exhibiting small acts of kindness towards each other.  I wasn't prepared for this because they are at the age where they fight like demons too--just like any siblings really.  Still, every now and then...they surprise me.  For example, my son has now started opening the door for my daughter, being courteous.  What?  That was nice.  Score one for my buddy.  Or the other day, I heard my daughter mothering my son.  "You look like you have to go the bathroom.  Do you?  Go to the bathroom.  I'll pause the movie so you can go."  It was a simple comment I overheard--one which I couldn't stop laughing silently in the other room.  She no doubt heard me say that to my son.  What I found with these small gestures was they love and care for each!  What?  My brain may explode any minute with that realization seriously.  Hey, I know they care about each other, but witnessing their kindness was a entirely different experience of love.  Remember, this doesn't happen sometimes among siblings.  I felt blessed to have even the smallest sign of that.

Lost Dog Runs a Half Marathon

This story is another lost and found love story that went viral last week.  If you haven't had a chance to watch this news click, please do.  Apparently this dog went outside to do her business and then ran off to join a half marathon.  Too funny, huh?  Talk about being lost and found...

Hope you have a great week!

 Mina Burrows

Monday, January 11, 2016

Happy New Year, IWSG & X-Files!

Happy New Year! 

Happy New Year, friends!  I wanted to start this year off with a cheers and well wishes to all my friends for a happy a healthy new year.  If you're a writer, I pray that your works are your very best and that the publishing gods make all your wishes com true,  If you're a reader then I pray that the best books find their way to you.


IWSG:  New Year and Writer Beginnings

IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh and this month's host are L.G. Keltner, Denise Covey, Sheri Larsen, J.Q. Rose, Chemist Ken, and Michelle Wallace!  Since we're at the start of a new year, I thought I'd ask my friends to reflect on why they started writing.  For many of us, we've been at this craft for years, for others they may have started just yesterday.  One thing's for sure, there's usually a reason why we got started.  Was writing always in your blood or did you just one day pick up a pen and the stories began to flow?  Did you have a favorite teacher who inspired you or did you write as a way of therapy to rationalize all the insanity of your life?  It's an interesting question as we ponder a new year and the expectations you have for 2016.  Never forget why you started.  It's those initial beginnings that may give you the inspiration to keep going, especially when you hit some hurdles.  I saw this quote from J.K. Rowling that really hit home with me.  What about you?  Do you ever find inspiration in your writer beginnings?

Ever feel this way?

X Files is coming January 24th!

If you haven't seen the trailer it's here below.  I'm so excited about this series reboot!  X-Files was one of my favorites way back when.  From what I've seen so far, it's looks like these two gems, Mulder and Scully will pick up where they left off.  I hope this reboot delivers.  If you missed a few seasons or haven't had a chance to watch this classic sci-fi series, then check out Netflix before the season starts.  Netflix is streaming all nine seasons of X-Files so you may want to watch an episode or two. Other then writing and reading a great book, I can't imagine another way to kick-off a fantastic new year.

What about you?  What are your insecurities this month?  Are you excited for X-Files too?

Happy writing.  Have a great week!

Mina Burrows