Wednesday, November 2, 2016

IWSG: Quiet on the Nano Front

It's time for another month of IWSG.  How's everybody doing after Halloween?  I don't know about you, but this past weekend left me feeling exhausted and I'm so glad November's here to get back into the swing of things.

As you know, IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh and wouldn't be half as wonderful without his monthly support team, Joylene Novell Butler, Jen Chandler, Mary Aalgaard, Lisa Buie Collard, Tamara Narayan, Tyrean Martinson, and Christine Rains!  Special thanks to everyone who's helping this month.

November's ISWG question is What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?  For me that's an easy one, I love the creative process.  I honestly adore making stories up and wouldn't have it any other way.  My only insecurities this month have to do with keeping up with the Nano schedule, managing my house renovations and dealing my kids and their daily emergencies.  Ugh.  I'll manage though.  :)

NaNoWriMo Begins!

This month marks NanoWriMo, baby!  Let me know who's participating this year.  So far so good for me.  I'm off to a good start and for the most part I'm fairly organized.  I think staying organized is the key so that it's easier to find time to write.  I've logged into my Nano account and belong to a local group but in truth, I've never been to one of the meetings.  The kick-offs/write-ins/meetings are usually a minimum of half hour away so that doesn't work for me. I'm happy to do the virtual write-ins though.  I'm looking forward to this month despite all the chaos with my house.  I think the writing will be a pleasant distraction.

Gosh I can't believe it's already November.  Yikes!  Later this month look for a special Book Buzz post and I'm participating in the Gratitude Giveaway hosted by Bookhounds which starts Nov, 15th!

I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the week.

Mina Burrows


Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I'm doing NaNo, too. I'm more of a NaNo Rebel since I'm working on a previous project. I've done a lot more prep work than I usually do so fingers crossed for good results at the end of the month. Good luck to you! Happy NaNo-ing! :)

Christine Rains said...

Good luck with NaNo! I won't be doing it this year, but I'm cheering everyone on. I can't believe it's November either. The whole year just zoomed by!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good luck with NaNo! Going to those meeting would suck one to two hours of writing time, so wise to skip.
That cat types faster than I do. By a lot.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Kids, renovations and NaNo? Wow, you might be my hero. Cheering you for a great month or productivity.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Good luck with NaNo, Mina. BTW, does your cat hire out as a typist? I use someone with paws that fast.

Michelle Wallace said...

A cat that types so fast? Mmm, you may be onto something. Now there's a load of money waiting to be made...
Good luck with NaNo...break a pencil/shred a notepad!!

Lisa said...

Love the kitty! Good luck with NaNo! When I do Nano I go for word count. It's what gets me going and keeps me coming back. I love the flow...

Lisa said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog!

Sarah Foster said...

Good luck with NaNo! I wasn't brave enough to attempt it this year. I can barely get my blog posts done...

Crystal Collier said...

The creative process totally rocks--no joking there.

Yeah...I'm not into NaNo. It doesn't work for me--but it does for so many people, and I'm glad.

Tyrean Martinson said...

The creative process is awesome! I'm doing NaNo and so far, I'm only a few hundred words behind. Tomorrow, I'll have more time to kick it in gear, right?

Best wishes on NaNo and all your endeavors!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Staying organised is definitely key for NaNo. I'm not organised enough this year to make the attempt.

Fundy Blue said...

Your typing cat was just the boost I needed tonight, Mina! I'm in a hotel room in Laughlin, Nevada, and this is the first time I've had in a week with internet service. Like you, I love the creative aspect of writing. Good luck with NaNo! I had wanted to participate this November, but life and traveling got in the way! I think that you will manage! Take care!

mshatch said...

Oh good luck with Nano! I've never done it and don't plan to (I am such a slow writer I'd never get 50k or anything close to that written) but I applaud those who do!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Good luck with NaNo! I'm in, though off to a slow start as I had to get the previous book to the proof-reader first. But as of today I have most of an outline and several hundred words. I'll get there, or somewhere near, by the end of the month.

My IWSG Post

Mary Aalgaard said...

Good luck with NaNo! Happy Typing!!!
Mary at Play off the Page

Tamara Narayan said...

Love that cat typing on the computer gif. My kitten will sit on my keyboard and watch the letters appear on the screen (assuming Word is on). It's hilarious.