RachaelHarrieishostingacoolcampaignforwriterstohelpbuildtheir online platform.Ilovethisconceptbutnot just for theplatform-building, but forthenetworkingwithotherwriters.
Mostofthepeoplethatsigneduparewriters/bloggerslookingforawaytoconnectandsupporteachotherintheirendeavors.Rachelreferencesthiscampaignasa“payitforward”conceptwhich is awesome. It’snoteasycoordinatingthesetypesofonlineeffortssomyhat’sofftoher. WhileImuddlemywaythroughthis campaign,Iwantedtotakeabriefmomenttoinformmyfollowers,incasetheywanttojoininonthefun. It’snotterriblycomplex,butinorderto
sign up, youneedtoreadRachel’spostonhowtogetstarted. Clickhereformoredetails. Sign up deadline is 8/31/2001.
There’slotsofplannedactivities,andIhopetohavethetimetojoininonallthefun. Eitherway,I’msureI’lllearnathingortwo. Questions?CommentbelowandI’llseeifIcanhelp or findtheanswersonRachel’sblog.
Hi, Mina : It was great of you to visit and follow and chat. Isn't it nicer when visitors stay for just a minute to give you feedback on your hard-written post?
As you can tell from my book trailers (Didn't Wendy Tyler Ryan do fantastic with them?), I write fantasy and urban fantasy.
My next book will be YA urban fantasy. What book are you working on? Roland
@Megan - Hi! Thanks for stopping by. & Thanks for following. :)
@Madeline - I'm super excited to meet fellow writers. I think we're all so busy, we barely have enough time.
@Cheri - Great to meet you as well. I'm so impressed with all blogs I've visited so far. :)
@Carrie - Same here. Follower now too. :)
@Elizabeth - Loved your post when I visited earlier today. I know it will be fun. Nothing to lose anyway.
@Roland - Hi! Thanks for your message. I did see the videos. They were amazing - not an easy task either. I'm in the process of editing my YA novel that I believe I've spent entirely too much time on. *sigh*
@Leigh - Thanks for stopping by. I'm so happy to make a connection with everyone. :)
Mina, thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. So far I'm pleasantly surprised by all the wonderful blogs I've come across with this campaign! Can't wait to get to know you better.
Hi Mina! I'm your newest follower! Are you as excited for the Campaign as I am?
I'm a new follower, and I'm in your YA (all genres) group. Nice to meet you! :) Rach is definitely a genius for organizing such a big event.
New Campaigner here, just stopping by to say hello! It's great to meet you! ;)
Hi, Mina! I'm a fellow campaigner passing through. It's nice to meet you. :)
Hi! Nice to meet you! This should be fun.
Hi, Mina :
It was great of you to visit and follow and chat. Isn't it nicer when visitors stay for just a minute to give you feedback on your hard-written post?
As you can tell from my book trailers (Didn't Wendy Tyler Ryan do fantastic with them?), I write fantasy and urban fantasy.
My next book will be YA urban fantasy. What book are you working on? Roland
Hi Mina! I'm in your YA (all genres) group too. Looking forward to following!XD
@Megan - Hi! Thanks for stopping by. & Thanks for following. :)
@Madeline - I'm super excited to meet fellow writers. I think we're all so busy, we barely have enough time.
@Cheri - Great to meet you as well. I'm so impressed with all blogs I've visited so far. :)
@Carrie - Same here. Follower now too. :)
@Elizabeth - Loved your post when I visited earlier today. I know it will be fun. Nothing to lose anyway.
@Roland - Hi! Thanks for your message. I did see the videos. They were amazing - not an easy task either. I'm in the process of editing my YA novel that I believe I've spent entirely too much time on. *sigh*
@Leigh - Thanks for stopping by. I'm so happy to make a connection with everyone. :)
Hello I just joined your YA group! Looking forward to getting to know you.
Hi, new follower and a member of the same group for the Writer's Platform Building Campaign. I'm looking forward to visiting more often.
Just stopping by to say hi.
@Alicia - Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to having some fun.
@Kimberly - Hi there. Just checked your blog out and am now a follower too! Thx.
@Tracey - Thanks for taking the time. It's really appreciated. :)
Mina, thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. So far I'm pleasantly surprised by all the wonderful blogs I've come across with this campaign! Can't wait to get to know you better.
Hi Mina,
I'm a member of your YA campaign group. Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you! I'm a campaigner too, and now I'm one of your followers :)
Hey Platform friend. Looking forward to some writerly talk with you!
Mina, I'm in your paranormal romance group. Looking forward to blogging with you :-)
Hi Mina, I'm in your paranormal romance group too and a new follower.
Hey! I'm also in your paranormal romance group. Just signed up to follow :)
@Kadie - My pleasure. I love stuff like this. It should be fun, huh?
@Reinhardt - Hey. Same here. Thanks for stopping by. :)
@Kelley - Thanks for following me & connecting via Google Plus.
@RonSmith - Hey, Ron. Me too. Nice to meet ya.
@Angela & @Cherie & @Jessica - Our PNR group should be fun. Can't wait! Thanks for stopping by.
Hello from another campaigner :) Awesome blog - I'll be stopping by here more often. Look forward to chatting to you :D
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