It's September and already time for another month of
Insecure Writers Support Group. This wonderful support group is courtesy of
Alex J. Cavanaugh and other fantastic authors, including
Michelle Wallace,
L. Diane Wolfe,
Lynda R Young,
Susan Gourley/Kelley,
Joylene Nowell Butler, and
J.L. Campbell. I mention this crew because they are tireless supporters who give freely and should be thanked often. If you haven't had a chance to review the IWSG website, please do. Last month, there were some great posts that I found incredibly inspiring including
Seeking Validation As A Writer &
The Trend in Indie Publishing - It’s Taking Over the Industry. Check them out if you can!

As for IWSG, my insecurities are the same. I'm progressing with my WIPs at a snails pace and that alone fosters insecurity. Since there's little I can do about that, I stay positive as possible and keep moving forward. Anyway, I remember watching a portion of Jim Carrey's commencement speech last spring. Like many people, his words moved me. There are times when doubt overcomes my thought process or exhaustion settles inside my bones, that I recall his inspiring words.
I was wondering how many of my writer friends ask the universe for things like better health, happy family, more love or even a successful writing career? Have you....asked the universe? What have you asked for?
Can you relate to Jim's message about following your dreams? Do you have any insecurities you'd like to share with me today?
I am very much into the whole universe working with you. I do Reiki and meditate, so I often communicate with the universe. Usually it's just to help me when I am performing Reiki, and when I meditate it's more about asking for peace and calm within :) Now I sound real cooky lol!
You can fail at what you don't want - that really cuts to the chase, doesn't it?
Glad you've found some IWSG posts that really speak to you.
I have occasionally asked the universe for a book contract or a successful book launch, but I sometimes feel very shallow and petty when I hear others ask for good health, the strength to overcome cancer, a strong marriage, healthy children. I am so lucky in so many ways. I can wait for the other stuff, and be content with what I have.
Wow. Thank you so much for that. I ask the universe everyday to help me do what I feel I was meant to. I ask for help and for signs to lead me in the right path. And I ask for faith to continue to believe in myself.
I've definitely had some serious conversations with the universe about my writing. I hope the universe is listening, because I could REALLY use some help in that arena.
I can relate to the snail's pace. My writing is going very slowly right now *sigh*
Loved learning more about you over over at Nutschell's :)
I wondered who was that snail trudging along on my right hand side... didn't you see me waving?
I feel like I'm working at a snail's pace lately, too. My webcomic is really suffering for it... *shifty eyes*
And wow, Jim Carrey's speech is so inspirational! Really helps put things into perspective...
"...Take a chance and do what you love." I remember being inspired (and still am) by Jim Carrey's speech as well . Don't let the insecurities get the best of you, I know you'll get there Mina so ask away! :)
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