Welcome to the monthly The Cephalopod Coffeehouse, an online gathering of bloggers who love books (and coffee), hosted by
The Armchair Squid What's the monthly blog hop about? Well, books, of course. Oh and coffee too. On the last Friday of every month, a group of bloggers convene and post about the best book they read over the past month.
Below is a list of participants. Stop by and visit other authors / bloggers to see which book's a hit for them this month. Bring your coffee with you too. I like mine coffee with cream and sugar. How do you take your's?

The Armchair Squid

Published in January of this year, Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan has received rave reviews from book fans and it even made the
NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, and WALL STREET JOURNAL bestselling book lists. It's a funny thing about that bestselling bit of info. I didn't catch that when I picked up the book. I chose to read this because it was unique, featuring an MC's, Archer Hale, who was loner living in a small town where people under value and pretty much ignore him because he has no voice. His quiet existence keeps him and the town content until he meets Bree Prescott, a relentless female who's curious about the young man everyone thinks is strange. The story is about the two MC's coming together despite their horrible experiences. They each, in their own way, help one another face their past and find their voice. I liked it because our hero, Archer, who was an underdog, wasn't the weird dummy everyone thought he was. He was actually a very intelligent, self-sufficient young man, who educated himself by reading books and also learned some sign language too. Would I recommend reading this? If NA is you thing, then you'd probably really enjoy this one. Archer's Voice is a New Adult Contemporary Romance and due to strong language and sexual content, is meant for readers 18 years and older.
Want to sign up for some more coffee and books next month?
Visit here and come join the fun!
The Armchair Squid for having me. I'm off to check out what others read last month.
Next month, I hope to post about American Vampire by
Jennifer Armintrout.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mina Burrows
I love reading underdog stories and this sounds like a good one.
I like underdog stories, too. Thanks for joining us, Mina!
I have heard such great things about this one. It's gonna make my TBR real soon...
Thank for sharing!
I've never read a new adult book, but this one sounds interesting!
To tell the truth, I dunno if I've ever read a "new adult" book or not. That's because the mile-long list of book classifications these days is a little confusing to an old gal like me, who mostly thinks of books as either being fiction or non-fiction. Just kidding. (A little.)
Anyhow, like a couple other folks already said, I like underdog stories, too. And happy endings. It sounds like this book excels on both points. Thanks for the recommendation.
I have yet to come across a "New Adult" book that wasn't a romance, and since that's not a genre I read, I haven't been tempted yet. I mean, I like romance in my books, but I need a mystery or adventure to carry the plot for me.
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