On another note, I can across a segment by 60 min. It was a powerful piece and a political one too on generation prisoners in North Korea. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I wanted to feature this today, because as I watched, it felt so foreign I swore I was reading a page out of history or better yet, a fictional novel--one with an oppressive government, deadly prisons, murdered children and people oblivious to the world and humanity around them. I decided to feature this impactful video not to depress you, but to remind you where much of our art comes from--real-life history. Please take the time to view this video. It struck a vital cord with me. I bet it does the same for you.
North Korean prisoner escaped after 23 brutal years, December 2, 2012 4:42 PM
Born in a prison camp, Shin Dong-hyuk describes how three generations of a family are incarcerated if one family member is considered disloyal. Anderson Cooper reports.North Korean prisoner escaped after 23 brutal years
Mina B.
I don't have time to watch the video before I go to work this morning, so I'll try to come back later. But no -- I've never heard of this, and it's kind of terrifying that it can go on and the world does nothing about it.
Three generations of a family incarcerated for one members (supposed) lack of loyalty. Sounds like a dystopian novel ... but it's not. Wow.
Congratulations on your progress with your edits. If it makes you feel better, you are not the only one editing again and again and again. :)
The real-life story you mentioned is terrible.
So proud of you progress. You inspire me to work harder!
That real life story is gut wrenching! Make me appreciate my blessed life. Thanks for sharing!
It is like something out of a novel. Sad that we still live in a world where things like this happen.
Good luck with your editing!
An amazing story, Mina. Thanks for sharing. The human spirit is both horrendous and beautiful, and this posting is a great lesson in that. Thanks again.
I really need to look to you for motivation and get cracking on my own edits - which I don't seem to want to do. Congrats!
Oh, I know! I saw it when it aired. It's an amazing story of what happened to him and how that affected who he was.
North Korea IS a different world. I watched a series of videos a couple years ago that were put together by a camera crew allowed into North Korea to film. It was the most surreal thing I have ever seen.
It may be selfish to say, but I am really glad I live in Canada. North Korea really is another world. Congrats on getting along with the edits!
Allison (Geek Banter)
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