There were many that I wanted to feature today, but I had to keep my choices in check. The bloggers I really miss and like to highlight today are ones you may or may not be familiar with. To sum up my feelings...it just isn't fair. Tell 'em Anne!
Sarah Pearson / Empty White Pages, was a blogging force at the beginning of the year. Where art thou?
Ainsley Shay I enjoy her posts and love her cool blog..
C D Meetens/ One Little Spark - a Writer's World - I miss the spark. :(
Please feel free to stop by these amazing bloggers and say hi.
Perish the thought! The blogger buddies I'm grateful for and the ones I would die if they ever went away.
David Powers King
Elise Fallson
S.L. Hennessy's Pensuasion
Thanks to all you guys. You enrich my blogging experience so much.
Fridays with Fred
This was the best I could do this week. He honestly couldn't be bothered. Oh well.
Have a great weekend.
Mina B.
Hey Fred!!
Thank you, Mina. Don't want you to die.
Sarah and Jesse would make my list. (And wish I'd room to name everyone!) Sarah took a break, but Jesse just stopped. I know his website keeps him busy, but he is missed.
Thanks for participating in our blogfest!
Awww, thanks so much for featuring me. Now I feel incredibly guilty. I haven't been paying my writing life as much attention this year as I should have. Never fear - I have a plan for a comeback ;).
Glad to get a little glimpse of Fred :-)
And you've got some great bloggers mentioned for the blogfest.
I don't plan on dying anytime soon (I don't know, almost did there a week ago), but I appreciate knowing you'd miss me. You have my returned sentiment! :)
I would miss those people you listed as well!
Allison (Geek Banter)
I've seen Sarah's name pop up a few times. I miss her also. Hope she returns soon.
"Tell 'em Anne!" <---LOL! So clever.
Such a FABULOUS list, Mina. I totally agree. :D
Excellent choices; love the gifs.
It's bloggers/writers like you that make this whole crazy writing journey worth while Mina. I hope you know how awesome you are and YOU better not go anywhere. I'll tolerate a little slackin on your part but not much more. (; Hugs to you! Need to go check out the others on your list. A lot of folks are missing Sarah today too, hope the folks who are being missed today find a way to come back.
Many of us have listed Alex! he's the BEST!!
I think I've seen Alex on almost every blog I visited today. Excellent choices. And thanks for the Fred fix.
Fred is too funny. Couldn't be bothered. Ha!
Fred reminds me of my hound, lol
Nice list...
I think Alex is on everyone's list :D
I know all of the blogs you mentioned--and I really miss C D Meetens and Sarah, too. They were really cool bloggers.
Purely for the Anne Hathaway (who I adore!) GIF, you just won the best post of the fest award, as far as I'm concerned.
I miss Sarah a lot, too. I hope she managed to deal with the stuff she went off to do. There's a lot of love going around with this blogfest - maybe it will encourage a few of these much-missed bloggers to come back!
I'm not participating in the blog hop, but I'm just stopping by here for a break from the madness of NaNo. I miss Sarah too. I hope she's doing okay, and if she sees this, she'll know that she is being thought of.
I miss Sarah, too. I used to stop by her blog all the time.
I love the idea of this blog hop. I can think of many blogging buddies who brighten my day with their posts, suggestions, and comments.
Hi Mina .. lots of people are missing Sarah .. and you've reawakened another blogger I see .. and I know Elise .. the others are new ..
Enjoy your writing .. cheers Hilary
Mina, the graphics are awesome! Thanks.
Mina, thank you so much for the mention, it really did mean a lot to me - and I'm coming back soon x
Great choices, all of whom would be severely missed. This has been such a cool blogfest. Hope you've had a great weekend! :)
It is sad when blogging friends disappear but we all have other lives apart from blogging so I guess it's par for the course. Hope they all come back soon!
Funny, I just happened to stop by your blog today. Interesting array of bloggers you attract.
Bloggers make the world a more interesting place!
Darcy and Sophie send their love to Fred!
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