Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Hello, my friends. It's time for Book Buzz where I feature a book that's a new release and one that's getting fantastic buzz. Just released this month, SOME VERY MESSY MEDIEVAL MAGIC By C. Lee McKenzie is about a young wizard who embarks on an awesome adventure and somehow gets in over his head. Read more about this fantasy book below.

Book Description

Pete’s stuck in medieval England!

Pete and his friend Weasel thought they’d closed the Time Lock. But a young page from medieval times, Peter of Bramwell, goes missing. His absence during a critical moment will forever alter history unless he’s found.

There’s only one solution - fledgling wizard Pete must take the page’s place. Accompanied by Weasel and Fanon, Pete’s alligator familiar, they travel to 1173 England.

But what if the page remains lost - will Pete know what to do when the critical moment arrives? Toss in a grumpy Fanon, the duke’s curious niece, a talking horse, and the Circle of Stones and Pete realizes he’s in over his young wizard head yet again...

Release date – May 15, 2018
Juvenile Fiction - Fantasy & Magic/Boys & Men
$13.95 Print ISBN 9781939844460
$3.99 EBook ISBN 9781939844477

Get your copy here!

About C. Lee McKenzie

C. Lee McKenzie has a background in Linguistics and Inter-Cultural Communication, but these days her greatest passion is writing for young readers. When she’s not writing she’s hiking or traveling or practicing yoga or asking a lot questions about things she still doesn’t understand.

Follow & Share!
Website: http://cleemckenziebooks.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cleemckenzie
Twitter: @cleemckenzie

Available now - Some Very Messy Medieval Magic by @cleemckenzie Barnes & Noble https://tinyurl.com/y8lessr9 iTunes https://tinyurl.com/yaz4sqb6 Amazon https://tinyurl.com/y92g67q5 #middlegrade #magic

Doesn't it sound cool for kids? I've already got my copy and so should you.
Can't wait to read it.

Have a great rest of the week.

Mina Burrows

Monday, May 14, 2018

Love in Bloom Book Giveaway Hop

It's Spring for most of us by now. I know many of my friends up north had to deal with a lingering Winter, but let us hope there is none of that any longer. Whew! Anyway, with Spring comes a promise of all things in bloom including flowers, love and you guessed it...books! To celebrate Spring, I'm participating in the Love in Bloom Book Giveaway Hop hosted by Mary from Bookhounds.

For this blog hop, there are over thirty blogs participating so sign up and join in on the fun this month. I'm giving away one (1) FREE $10 Amazon Gift Card. See the details below on how to enter.

Enter To Win!

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The giveaway runs from 12:01 AM on May 15th - May 30th, midnight. The contest is open to International participants.

See who else is participating.
<!– start LinkyTools script –><!– end LinkyTools script –> Mina Burrows

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

IWSG: May & the Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime Release

April went far better than I expected with the A-Z Challenge and my theme, Under the Sea Myths and Legends. For the next several months, I plan on visiting all the blogs I didn't get to in April so I'm looking forward to that. There were hundreds of blogs that signed up so be sure and take a look when you get a chance.

Before I dive into the IWSG for May, I wanted to mention our fearless Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh who created this monthly hop and also give thanks to the people who are co-hosting this month,, E.M.A. Timar, J. Q. Rose, C.Lee McKenzie, and Raimey Gallant. Thanks for all your help!

To learn more about the IWSG program and how it can help your insecurities, visit the website here.


Monthly question:  "Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?"

For sure it's a good time as any to write. What I like most about this month is I get some spring cleaning done with my files. Sometimes I find that I need to go back and reorganize things to streamline my writing and reinspire the creative process.  I'll review old chapters and decide if I need to rewrite, add back in or delete completely--that type of thing. Maybe it's the spring cleaning-type of thing in preparing for summer? I don't know. 

Fun Find for Writers

I thought I'd share this little tidbit from Custom-writing.org. Take a look at this link: The Weird Side of Famous Writers when you get a chance.  Here's a snapshot of a couple of the fun and weird facts about some the most famous writers we love. 

Book Release: Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime Release

 Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime is out now. Woot!  Take a look at the book description: 

Can a dead child’s cross-stitch pendant find a missing nun? Is revenge possible in just 48 minutes? Can a killer be stopped before the rescuers are engulfed by a city ablaze? Who killed what the tide brought in? Can a soliloquizing gumshoe stay out of jail?

Exploring the facets of time, eleven authors delve into mysteries and crimes that linger in both dark corners and plain sight. Featuring the talents of Gwen Gardner, Rebecca M. Douglass, Tara Tyler, S. R. Betler, C.D. Gallant-King, Jemi Fraser, J. R. Ferguson, Yolanda Renée, C. Lee McKenzie, Christine Clemetson, and Mary Aalgaard.

Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these eleven tales will take you on a thrilling ride into jeopardy and secrecy. Trail along, find the clues, and stay out of danger. Time is wasting...

Get your copy here: Amazon / B&N / / Kobo / Goodreads
That's it for May!

Mina B.