Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Cover Reveal: Blue Sludge Blues & Other Abominations by Shannon Lawrence

Happy Wednesday, my friends. Today I am revealing the book cover of fellow author friend, Shannon Lawrence's new wicked book, Blue Sludge Blues & Other Abominations. The release date is March 15th so mark your calendars next month and get ready for some tales that are dark and mysterious.

Cover Design: Jeff Lawrence
Author Photo Credit: Jared Hagan

Book Description:

A collection of frights, from the psychological to the monstrous. These tales are a reminder of how much we have to fear: a creature lurking in the blue, sludgy depths of a rest area toilet; a friendly neighbor with a dark secret hidden in his basement; a woman with nothing more to lose hellbent on vengeance; a hike gone terribly wrong for three friends; a man cursed to clean up the bodies left behind by an inhuman force. These and other stories prowl the pages of this short story collection.

Release Date: March 15, 2018

Available for Pre-Order in e-book now at the following locations:

Will also be available in trade paperback from Amazon US and UK, Apple iBooks and everywhere else Smashwords distributes to, and Amazon in other countries.

About Shannon Lawrence:

Bio: A fan of all things fantastical and frightening, Shannon Lawrence writes primarily horror and fantasy. Her stories can be found in magazines and anthologies, including Space and Time Magazine, Dark Moon Digest, and Spinetingler. Though she often misses the ocean, the majestic and rugged Rockies are a sight she could never part with. Besides, in Colorado, there's always a place to hide a body or birth a monster. What more could she ask for?

Social Media Links:

Smashwords Author Page:

Mark your calendars and stay tuned as I celebrate the book release on March 15th!
Have a great rest of the week!

Mina Burrows

Monday, February 12, 2018

Romance is in the Air - 2018

It's February and hopefully, you are enjoying 2018 so far. I'm curious if anyone has plans this week to celebrate Valentine's day. Are you headed out to celebrate a big date or are you the type to curl up and read and good romance novel? If a romance novel is more your speed, do you have a recommendation? Is there a certain romance book you want to buy, but haven't had a chance? Well, nows the time because I'm participating a book blog hop.

The Romance is in the Air 2018 book blog hop is hosted by Mary from Bookhounds. There are over 45 blogs participating in this blog hop so once you enter here, check out some of the other blogs and their giveaways.

I'm giving away one (1) FREE $10 Amazon Gift Card. See the details below on how to enter.

Enter To Win!

$10 Amazon GC

You MUST be a follower of my blog and MUST fill out this entry form. (And yes, I do check GCF)

Extra entries…

+2 Subscribe to my blog
+2 Like me on Facebook/MinaBurrows
+1 Follow me on Google Plus
+1 Tweet this Twitter (limit 1 retweet)

The giveaway runs from 12:01 AM on Feb 13st - Feb 27th, midnight. The contest is open to International participants.

See who else is participating.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Mina Burrows

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

IWSG: Sweet February

Hello IWSG Friends! How's everyone enjoying this year so far? The cold weather and flu season has made its way to South Florida which hasn't been fun. Most of my family's illnesses have started from being run down, exhausted. I'm sure most of you know the feeling. Seriously though, the flu this year is scary so I hope you all are taking care of yourself.

Anyway, lots of exciting things happened last month. I know #IWSG had fantastic success and ended up trending on Twitter--which is AWESOME!  Mark your calendars for the Next #IWSGPit is Thursday, July 19, 2018! More details here.

Today's IWSG topic is perfect for this month. But before I begin, I want to give a shout out to IWSG team. Like many of you, I have a soft spot in my heart for the #IWSG founder Alex J. Cavanaugh. Thank you,, Alex so much for creating this monthly hop and doing everything you do. You rock! The lovely co-hosts for the February - IWSG are Stephen Tremp, Pat Garcia, Angela Wooldridge, Victoria Marie Lees, and Madeline Mora-Summonte! Thanks, you guys!

To learn more about this program and how it can help your insecurities, visit the website here.

IWSG February 2018

Monthly question:  "What do you love about the genre you write in most often?"

I'm a sucker for an fantasy, supernatural etc.. and I like unlikely pairings in romance and friendship. For me, I find the daily grind gets monotonous and the writing takes me away from that. I think we're all suckers for "What if?" Am I right? That's what drives me. Think about how many advances there have been in the last 100 years. In the past, think about how many authors wrote about futuristic things, like space-travel, test-tube babies, etc.. and now we're living it and practically thriving in it. I'm not saying that one day we'll be able to grow body parts that can double as companions like Thing, but...what if? And that type of imagination drives my creativity. I gravitate towards that while writing because it inspires me.  It's not easy writing about what you love. I think you're can be more critical about it. At least that's what I find. Do you agree?

Since it's February I'm wondering if any fellow authors have anything special planned? Are your writing a romance or do you plan to take you're sweetie out on the town? Just curious. I'm participating in a Romance is in the Air Book Blog Hop which starts Feb 13th. Signups are here if you're interested in participating.

That's it! Now I'm off to see other IWSGers. What are your insecurities this month? What do you love about your genre? 

Mina B.