Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November's Gratitude Giveaway Hop

Who's ready for Thanksgiving? Not yet, huh? Me neither. Well, like it or not, it's about a week and a half away so get your turkey and stuffing ready, because the food fest is coming. Nothing pairs better with Thanksgiving then family, food and reading a good book.

Every year, I participate in this giveaway hop as a way to say thanks to all my blogger friends and readers. The Gratitude Giveaway Blog Hop is hosted by Mary at BookHounds and for this GG hop, I'm giving away one (1) $10 Amazon GC to one great winner. The Giveaway hop starts on November 15th and runs until November 30th, eod. International participants welcome!

What's so great about this hop is we keep things simple. 


To enter…

You MUST be a follower of my blog and choose one of the following:

Subscribe to my blog


Like me on Facebook / Facebook/MinaBurrows

See the form to enter:

That's it.  Want to see who else is participating? See below and hop on by!

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Mina Burrows

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

IWSG: Nano...It's that time again!

 Today's Insecure Writer's Support Group monthly topic is about what else...National Novel Writing Month.  Before I get started I wanted to give a huge shout out to Alex J. Cavanaugh who created the monthly blog hop and support group for writers.  If you're interested in learning more about this program and how it can help your insecurities, visit the website here.  This month's brilliant co-hosts are Tonja Drecker, Diane Burton, MJ Fifield, and Rebecca Douglass!  Thanks, guys for all that you do!

Before I begin I want to remind everyone that today is the last day you can enter the IWSG Anthology Contest!

ISWG November: "Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published?"

NaNo is a tough one for me. My biggest challenge with monthly writing blitz is I have an incredibly hard time managing everything I've got going on.  In the past, I'd start out strong and then get sidetracked. And that's putting things lightly.  This month I'm hoping that things will be different.  I'm not traveling or camping or dealing with flood issues so I think I've got that going for me.  Other than that, being able to carve out some quality time to write is my challenge.  Wish me luck.  Has anyone else signed up for this month's writing challenge? I'd love to know who's signed up for this month's writing frenzy.

If you're looking for a bit of inspiration for NaNo, here's a list of best-sellers who started during NaNoWriMo.

Great Writer Tool for NaNoWriMo

Do you ever get stuck in a rut with your writing and you think, why the heck did I write that? Ugh, we've all been there, especially during NaNoWriMo.  Let's face it, sometimes it's more important to push through the writing process and fix things later.  That said, fellow writer/blogger, Jack Milgram, reached out to me about this cool infographic that I thought would be helpful when you're banging away at your keyboard during NaNo.  For a better view of this list, visit here and if you don't mind share!

28 Boring Words Alternatives - Improve Your Writing

Last Week on Twitter - Library Uproar!

Last week, some twitter-fool, Andre Walker, sparked a massive backlash when he tweeted  "Nobody goes to libraries anymore. Close the public ones and put the books in schools."  *Smacks hand in face.* There are no words. Anyway, you'll have to forgive me for re-posting this because it has more than a few "F" bombs from the Angry Librarian. If you can look past that, it's very funny.  And...terribly scary how narrow-minded some folks are. Yikes!

That's it for this month.  What are your insecurities this month? Are you participating in NaNo? Do you like the infographic?  If so, please share! Lastly, I'm participating in the Gratitude Giveaway Hop which started Nov 15th! Sign up for this blog hop here.

Have a fantastic rest of the week!