Happy New Year, friends! I wanted to start this year off with a cheers and well wishes to all my friends for a happy a healthy new year. If you're a writer, I pray that your works are your very best and that the publishing gods make all your wishes com true, If you're a reader then I pray that the best books find their way to you.
IWSG: New Year and Writer Beginnings IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh and this month's host are L.G. Keltner,Denise Covey,Sheri Larsen,J.Q. Rose,Chemist Ken, and Michelle Wallace! Since we're at the start of a new year, I thought I'd ask my friends to reflect on why they started writing. For many of us, we've been at this craft for years, for others they may have started just yesterday. One thing's for sure, there's usually a reason why we got started. Was writing always in your blood or did you just one day pick up a pen and the stories began to flow? Did you have a favorite teacher who inspired you or did you write as a way of therapy to rationalize all the insanity of your life? It's an interesting question as we ponder a new year and the expectations you have for 2016. Never forget why you started. It's those initial beginnings that may give you the inspiration to keep going, especially when you hit some hurdles. I saw this quote from J.K. Rowling that really hit home with me. What about you? Do you ever find inspiration in your writer beginnings?
Ever feel this way?
X Files is coming January 24th!
If you haven't seen the trailer it's here below. I'm so excited about this series reboot! X-Files was one of my favorites way back when. From what I've seen so far, it's looks like these two gems, Mulder and Scully will pick up where they left off. I hope this reboot delivers. If you missed a few seasons or haven't had a chance to watch this classic sci-fi series, then check out Netflix before the season starts. Netflix is streaming all nine seasons of X-Files so you may want to watch an episode or two. Other then writing and reading a great book, I can't imagine another way to kick-off a fantastic new year.
What about you? What are your insecurities this month? Are you excited for X-Files too?