Blessed Blood by Mina Burrows

Blessed Blood, 100K words
Status: Coming Soon

Back cover:  Emma Rollins is blessed. Nobody knows how precious her blood is except for Quinn, the vampire, and he’s dying to claim her.
Aside from graduating college and playing soccer, all Emma wants is to be loved by her opportunist father and forget about the boy who broke her heart.  Since accepting her college soccer scholarship, Emma has been betrayed, beaten, bloodied and bitten.  And it’s only the first semester. 
Before it’s over, Emma must uncover and accept her eternal fate, save her bullying teammates from perilous doom and face the alluring vampire that haunts her. Oh, and win a National title too. Yeah, being blessed is more like being cursed. But for Emma, it’s her only saving grace.

Chapter 1

     Heat blazed across my face, burning my skin, and I grimaced. Great, just what I needed, more freckles. A searing pain ricocheted through my skull and I moaned. My eyes strained to open, but my body wouldn't obey. Voices crept closer and I stilled. As the heat dissipated, shadows loomed above. That’s when I heard a guy’s sultry voice. 

     “Don’t touch her,” he said, almost growling.
     Another voice from my other side grunted, “That one moved, she did.”
     “Not possible,” the sultry voice replied.
     “I’m tell’n yous, she moved,” The other guy argued.

The pain began to relent. Their bickering did not. My brain needed a reprieve. Then a gritty hand brushed past my right knee, stopping mid-thigh. That wasn't an accident. Eww! I’d hurl if whoever he was didn't remove his grimy paws!

The sultry voice snarled, “I said…don’t touch her.”
     “Alrigh, Alrigh… Don’t get yous panties ’n a wad. I’m only test’n ’er.” 

Guy number two was definitely a freak, and that accent made it worse. I thankfully had my eyes shut.

     “That’s not possible; I drained her far too much,” Mr. Sultry said. 

With that subdued, slick voice, he sounded like an all-knowing type of guy. Maybe he was a doctor. Was I in the hospital? Wait…did he just say drained?

     Freak guy argued, “I’m tell’n you, she moved. I phink I even heard ’er moan.” With that annoying voice, he was definitely a peon, probably an orderly.

     The head guy barked a command. “Quinn won’t be here until nightfall. You best keep a steady eye on her.”

     I felt more prodding, this time around my forehead. “’Er head’s still bleed’n.”

     “Yes,” Sultry voice guy replied then sighed. “She was a feisty one. Had quite a kick in her.”

     Footsteps stalked away and then something slimy touched my hair. A raunchy stench attacked my nose. Eww. That smell! Freak guy was directly over me. He had to be. Either I was in the hospital or this was a dream. If the latter, it was definitely turning into a nightmare. I nearly quivered when I felt a wet sensation in my ear, followed by a moan of pleasure. Dear God, the freak had licked me!

     Freak guy muttered, “Mmm. Yous taste right as rain.”

     Yuck! Definitely a nightmare! His accent mustered horrible images in my mind of what this weirdo looked like. Nightmare or not, I was stopping it. Unlike most dreams I had, this one was different; it screamed get out or die. Sultry voice guy, sounding less audible, snapped a few orders and I managed to catch the last one.

     “Strap her down. I have a bad feeling about this one.”

I took his comment as my cue. As numb as my body felt, I rallied. I’d been through much worse as an athlete. At seventeen—okay fifteen, but no one knew my real age—I was mentally and physically fit to weather all sorts of pain. Dreams were different though. Knowing my luck, if I tried to bolt, I’d slow-mo my escape, get caught, and then wake up to my heart leaping out of my chest. I considered my options again and decided to proceed with my escape. I seriously understood that if I didn't hightail it soon, I’d never get this nightmare over with. Freak guy moved away. I could tell because the stench lessened. Thank God. That was another cue for me. Hello, Emi! I yelled at myself. How many cues do you need? Attempting to pry apart my eyes, I shifted slightly; finally opening them to a blur of what I first thought was the sun. The fricking heat was scorching me, right along with that pang inside my head.

Sweat dripped from my forehead, sliding past my lips into my mouth. The salty flavor coupled with another foreign taste— a metallic one. It undoubtedly was blood. My blood. Oh, great. Now I’m bleeding too. Blinking several times, my eyesight finally adjusted and I glimpsed a halogen light like the ones at a dentist. Oh, God. This was a nightmare. Lifting my head was an equally bad idea, because it still felt like a sledgehammer was lodged in it. I shook off the pain. That was a gift I had—ignoring pain. My kidnappers didn’t know that, though.

With a subtle glance to the left, I first eyed the backs of two strangers. Casting my eyes around, I saw a closed door and then a shaded window. I noted either would do for a speedy exit. At least the window was large enough for me to fit through. The room was dark except for the sunbeam above me and the muted light lingering at the bottom of the window shade. My eyes darted in the opposite direction and I observed the barren walls and stained vinyl floors. The room smelled like antiseptic and the lingering stench of a dingy old man. A small sink and medical cabinet were situated steps away from the window. My gaze drifted back towards the men. They were the ones I’d heard before, right? I wasn’t sure. Truthfully, I was hoping it was just the two of them.

Freaky guy clanked and dragged something towards me. I immediately shifted back to my coma position. Sultry voice guy yelled once more before the door shut. The unmistakable sound of a lock echoed, chilling me to the core. I gulped. It appeared I had only one option left… the window. The time was now or never. Think optimistically, I told myself. At least there was one less person to deal with. The thought had me grinning unexpectedly. My odds had just gotten better. The freak’s gritty fingers suddenly gripped my left hand. The stench returned in full force and I had an overpowering need to disinfect my hands. He flipped my palm up and rubbed my wrist where my pulse raced. He snarled a few times and then traced the vein up to my elbow.

     “You’s a pretty one, ain’t ya?” He smacked his lips with a sadistic chuckle. “Mi Lord’s gonna like you, ’e is.”

I stifled a shudder. Where the heck did the sultry guy go? Without warning, freak guy’s nasty, cat-like tongue ran alongside my face. Yuck, that slimy sandpaper sensation sent me over the edge! Reacting badly, I involuntarily flinched, rather noticeably too. Oops. Freak guy jumped back.

     “Damn it, there goes the element of surprise,” I mumbled.

     In a panic, freak guy cursed and shuffled away, scrambling for the nearby shackles. For me, it was time to end this nightmare. I said a small prayer while he reached for my feet. Seconds later, I felt a metal brace slap over my ankles. Here we go, I thought.

At abnormal speed, I ripped my right foot out from under the restraint and with equal speed and precision, sent my foot ramming towards his head. Freak guy took a direct hit to the nose. With that first jab, a distinct CRACK rang out followed by a THUD. The freak’s head connected with the cement wall behind him. Sweet! Only one shot and I knocked him down; no wasted punches or kicks in this dream.

Lifting up, I swung my legs to the side of the narrow table I was on, shaking away whatever numbness I felt. I caught a glimpse of blood splattered on the wall and queasiness overcame me. Eww! I had to bolt now before I hurled.

Distant noises rumbled. Someone was coming. I had to escape. Immediately, I leaped off the table. Another step and I was at the window. With one thrust, I tore the shade down, shattering the window. My heart was pounding erratically. Footsteps and voices arrived outside the door. The doorknob jangled and I glanced back, seeing the handle turning slightly. There was only one thing to do. Jump. So I did. Out the window. Which wasn’t smart; I didn’t even look down. Thank God, because it must have been a forty-five foot drop.

I fell with ease. Never was I so thankful that this was a dream. My feet hit the pavement gracefully, and then in one fluid motion, I was running. Boy, did I run.

Probably the fastest I’d ever run in my life or even in a dream. It was twilight; the sun was blood orange, melting behind the horizon. At this time of night in July, Oklahoma's summer heat was bearable. With no wind though, the humidity could be murder. None of that mattered since at the pace I was moving felt like being stuck inside of a runaway tornado.

Taking a hard left, houses and buildings blurred, one running into the other. It was as if my spirit was set free, suspended in effortless motion. This was turning out to be the coolest dream ever. Although it seemed strange that I still hadn’t woken up. I abruptly stopped, surprised to be standing in front of my house. I peered around, wondering if my bizarre men were behind me, but saw nothing. Shrugging my shoulders, I glided past the overgrown walnut trees that lined my front yard, slipped up the porch stairs and opened the front door. My Dad was in the other room, screaming at some game on the TV, while his girlfriend—bimbo number five—was scolding her two kids. I then realized my dream had morphed from one nightmare into another. That’s the way dreams worked, right?

As I jetted up the stairs to my room, Dad called for me, but I didn’t respond. What would be the point? Opening the door to my room, I saw my most prized possession. My bed. One dazed step in, I face-planted onto the fluffy bedspread and seconds later, I passed out. What a wicked dream.
# # # 

That night more dreams invaded my mind. The first I had starred my boyfriend—correction, ex-boyfriend—Jay. I’d already programmed my mind to ignore that dream, thankfully. Jay had messed with my head enough. So much so, I refused to dream about him again. Jerk.

Once I was awake the next morning, I lay in bed, snuggled under my favorite worn blanket, pondering last night's weird delusional occurrence. Several images circulated in my mind, but only one stuck. For some reason, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake it.

Sultry voice guy’s soothing baritone lingered in my head. I sighed, his voice was calming—an Irish accent I realized. I could easily listen to him recite the periodic table of elements. Even more bizarre was one of my vivid dreams from the previous night played like a movie—except not from my perspective. Instead, I watched through the sultry voice guy’s eyes. It took several moments for me to register what was happening. It was as if my spirit was eavesdropping, watching every nuance of detail, seeing the imagery through this stranger’s eyes. What he saw, I saw. I’ve never been more thankful I was dreaming.

I first spied the room where the strangers had held me, noting it looked eerily familiar and then I recalled my previous dream. When sultry voice guy busted in, he startled—first glancing at the empty table and then at the blood sprayed everywhere. I shuddered as his eyes perused the gory scene. Sultry voice guy's head jerked towards the busted window. He rushed to the window, frantically searching through the darkness. I assumed he was looking for me, his female detainee. By that time, I had rushed out of there, leaving them to clean up my mess.

He cursed a few times, darting back to the source of the bloody mess. In the first few moments, I finally got a look at freak guy—the guy I’d trounced. My mind’s eye now had the disgusting image of the grotesque man. The only satisfaction I had was that it appeared as if I’d broken his neck with my kick. Hey, serves him right for licking me like that. Eww! Besides, I wasn’t a two-time state soccer champion for nothing. My dream grew nicer by the second. While sultry voice guy shook the freak, trying to rouse his bloodied comrade, another man whooshed in from behind.

     In a matter of seconds, a deep rumbling voice roared. “Bloody hell! Bloody hell! Where is she?”

Sultry voice guy flinched at first and then managed to keep his cool. I had to admit, I was impressed. Me? I was shaking. He mildly glanced back over his shoulder at the ranter.

     “I haven’t the faintest. If you give me a second, I’ll find out what happened from your lackey.”

     The new unknown man stalked towards sultry voice guy with clenched fists. “Where were you?”

     “I stepped away, Quinn” sultry voice guy defended, shifting towards the man named Quinn. I now had a clear image of what had to be the main man. Sultry voice guy obviously had a boss.

The new guy was young, around twenty years old and was tall, with the build of a swimmer. Quinn had sandy blond hair and a chiseled face, sort of a beach boy surfer straight off the runway, without the tan. Man, this guy was pale! His mesmerizing crystalline eyes glistened when his anger sparked. He was undeniably hot with his loose black tailored pants and fitted white t-shirt that hugged his broad physique like a second skin. He ranted and my eye focused on a crested necklace adorning his firm chest. He looked flushed, almost as if he was about to strangle sultry voice guy.

     “Piven,” Quinn growled, “where is she?” I now had a name to go with that sultry voice. Piven. Nice name, I thought.

     “Hey, it’s not my job to keep them, only to capture them – which I did.” Piven pivoted back towards the unconscious fool and shook harder to wake him. He spoke over his shoulder, “I told your guy to tie her down.”

     “Damn you!" Quinn roared. "You let her escape.”

     “No, Quinn, not me… your Donis did.”

In a blur, Quinn grabbed Piven by his neck and threw him effortlessly aside. Since I watched the dream through Piven’s eyes, I soared right along with him. I even sensed his head thud against the wall, jarring my view for several moments.

     Quinn snatched Donis by the collar and pulled him into his face, gritting his teeth. “Don,” Quinn seethed. “Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now for losing my prize.”

Freak guy finally came to. Oh God, he was nasty looking. He had long, stringy hair, bulging eyes, and his nose swelled grossly. Fresh blood dripped all over his face and when he opened his mouth, I almost gagged. He had no teeth in front. I gulped. Did I do that?

     “Sh- Sh- She kicked me, mi Lord,” Donis stuttered.

     Quinn adjusted his head, shifting his ear towards Donis. “What was that?”

     Donis whimpered. “I was bind’n her and she ’auled off an kicked me in da nose.” He coughed up some blood, and possibly a few broken teeth.

     “I didn’t touch ’er, honest, mi Lord,” Donis said.

     Quinn gazed intently at Donis. His scrutinizing turned deadly. He huffed, “That’s a strange comment to make, Don.” That was the first time I noticed his accent. A British one, like Donis, but more refined. “Tell me, old chap… what exactly did you do?” Donis glanced away, and began a coughing fit. Quinn noted his evasive behavior. “No matter, Don,” Quinn said.

Quinn eyed Donis in eerie silence. Quinn grimaced and I wondered if he saw unspoken truths in Donis’ freaky eyes. As I recalled the vile advances he’d made to me, I caught sight of Quinn’s shifting arm. He wouldn’t kill him, would he?

In one fluid motion, Quinn raised his arm to strike. Donis began begging for his life. In less than a second, Quinn struck a fatal blow to Donis’ jugular, spilling more blood all over the wall and floors. Donis was a goner. As far as dreams go, I was grossed out, but secretly pleased.

     Quinn suddenly pounced on top of Piven, which inadvertently felt like he attacked me. My heart thundered at the crazed Quinn. “You will fix this, young Piven.”

     Piven scrambled his back against the wall. “Jesus, lighten up. Donis was harmless.”

     Quinn growled. “He was not harmless. You didn’t see what was in the fiend’s head.”

Quinn shuddered. I recognized that emotion as one of my own when the freak, Donis, had touched me. Piven noticed too because as he gazed back at Quinn, the only emotion I felt from him was fear.

     Quinn continued, “He’d have compromised the girl if he had the chance. He’s sick and would’ve ruined everything. I have half a mind to give you the same fate. Tell me, where were you?”

     Piven went even further on the defensive. “Hey… I’m not a babysitter. My job is to collect and deliver—which I did. The rest was Donis’ gig—a person you put in charge. As far as I’m concerned, our agreement is concluded.” He lightly shoved Quinn. “Take your hands off me.”

     With a curse and a low growl, Quinn grabbed Piven’s neck and squeezed. His fury was so evident, his veins popped out alongside his neck down to his collarbone. His eyes went feral and that’s when I knew Piven was in for it.

     As Quinn’s mouth opened, Piven’s head began to shake, saying “No, no, no wait…”

Too late.

In a flash, Quinn extended fangs, beastly ones dripping with saliva, right before he attacked Piven.

I bolted upright in terror, unable to make a sound. The dream had scared the shit out of me. With my adrenaline surging, I panted heavily, trying to calm my frayed nerves and drumming heart. Goose bumps prickled my skin and then I realized I was drenched. Wiping my forehead, I noted my clamminess and a burning sensation in my throat. I was parched but too exhausted to get water. "Screw it," I muttered. The water could wait. After taking a few deep breaths, I went back to bed, praying I wouldn’t pick up with the same dream again.

All the prayers I said didn’t matter. The second I closed my eyes, I was back in Piven’s mind. His eyes fluttered a few times and I knew he was okay. Still lying against the wall, his eyes glanced down at the blood now surrounding him. It looked vaguely similar to Donis’ spill.

Quinn was still there, standing erect, staring out the window, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. He neatly folded it, tucking it into his pocket. Clasping his hands behind his back, he stood idle as if pondering his thoughts. As Piven adjusted his head slightly, Quinn jerked around and blanched. I hadn’t thought the guy could get any paler, but he did. Whatever he saw in Piven shook him to the core. Quinn stepped tentatively closer; his head cocked sideways, measuring Piven as prey. Then he finally spoke.

     “Ah, young Piven. You’ve tasted my girl, haven’t you?” Piven didn’t respond. I heard gurgling noises, followed by some coughing. Quinn remonstrated, “Don’t strain yourself, my young one. I’ve nearly torn your throat out. You can forget about speaking.” Quinn glided over to Piven and bent down again. With a severe gaze, Quinn grabbed the back of Piven’s skull, pulling him forward. “I know you’ve tasted her. You forget, my friend, I can see truths.” Quinn ran his finger alongside his right temple. “You will answer my questions. And I’ll read your response, right here,” he said, adding a couple taps to Piven’s temple.

     I shockingly heard Piven’s mind’s respond. Yes.

     “Good,” Quinn said, giving a fang-toothed grin. Quinn’s face turned intense. “You drank from her. How much?”

     Piven’s mind answered, Nearly drained her. She was… strong. Far too strong for a mortal. It was the only way... to get her.

     Quinn sighed and then gave a singsong reply, “You weren’t supposed to bite her. That wasn’t a part of our agreement. She’s far too dear to me to have someone—anyone—touch her." He cursed quietly and pursed his lips. "I could kill you,” he said and then laughed. “Then again, I just attempted to and you haven’t died… which means her blood is quite potent.”

Piven’s eyes widened. I sensed fear shuddering through his body. Quinn was going to kill him, this time for good.

     Quinn continued. “You’ve put me in quite a predicament here. One I hadn’t calculated. Tell me, where did you find her?”

     Piven stammered before giving another inward response, I found her walking alone down Freemont Street, just past the highway exit. At first, she fit the same vague description of thousands of females I’ve brought you for the last two hundred years. But when I looked closer, this one fit… perfectly. Young, ebony hair, gray eyes rimmed with gold, her essence radiating fearless and, of course, the birthmark of an endless knot. She was crying, barely noticing me, until I came up behind her. I grabbed her shoulder first, to eye her birthmark. She immediately retaliated by jabbing me in the gut with her elbow. It was a firm hit and I staggered a bit. One second later, she turned and thrust her knee into my head and took off running. Before she rounded the corner, I jumped her. She fought hard, admirably so. Biting her was the only way...” Piven’s eyes lowered and he sighed in defeat.

Quinn sat in silence, glaring into Piven’s eyes, judging his words. His gaze was severe as he rummaged through Piven’s mind, seeking honesty. Quinn shrugged his shoulders, seemingly accepting Piven’s words. He shook his head in mild disappointment. 

     “You were my best student, Piven. I truly shall hate to kill you... again. But…” He exhaled in exasperation. “Now that you know how powerful my little muse is… I can’t let you live.”

     Piven’s eyes widened once more. His head was shaking and he began to plead. “Please Quinn. You need me. I can track her. I have her scent. I can find her again. I found her once. I’ll do it again.”

     “That’s the problem,” Quinn barked. “You and her!” He tsked a few times before continuing, “You’ve tasted her. By draining her, you’ve ignited her change. She’s primed for the taking.” Quinn looked up thoughtfully. “Poor dear has no clue what’s happening, now that I think of it. That’s not good.”

When I heard him say that, I blinked a few times in awe. I’d become so drawn into the dream, that I’d forgotten Quinn was talking about me. Quinn lifted his chin and sniffed, dismissing the thought. He glanced back at Piven and noticed something. He rushed towards Piven, glaring into his eyes, as if peering through a window. When he spoke, it was clear he wasn’t talking to Piven anymore. He was talking to me.

     “Is that you, love?” Quinn closed his eyelids, concentrating on something or someone. Moments passed and I was beginning to feel like Quinn was losing his mind. I faintly heard Piven continuing to plead for his life, spouting off details about me. Quinn ignored him. “I know you’re there. I can feel it.” With his eyes still closed, he inhaled deeply, pursing his lips in a tight smile. “I sense you. Your essence is in Piv’s blood. I can’t see you but I can feel you. Don’t be afraid. I’m here… for you.” Quinn opened his feral eyes again and narrowed his gaze, as if he was staring into my soul. With his intense eyes, he intoned, “Come to me.”

     Silence reigned until I unconsciously shook my head. When Piven absently mimicked me, Quinn’s eyes widened as he realized my response. I saw a hint of terror reflect in his eyes. He clucked his tongue impatiently and spoke directly to me, “I apologize love, for what you’ve been through tonight. I take full responsibility for your first introduction into our world. While I think about how to make it up to you, I must now do some house cleaning.”

Quinn reached for Piven’s head, grasping his hair. Piven’s soothing voice was screaming inside at this point. Quinn made one last comment to the both of us.

     “Piven, dear boy, it’s occurred to me that three is a crowd.” While Piven continued to scream, I barely caught Quinn’s next words directed to me. “Forgive me, love. It won’t be long now. I will find you… and then we’ll be together.”

Quinn’s irises went wild again and I watched frozen in fear as he extended his fangs. Piven’s eyes shut tight right before I saw Quinn lunge at his throat. Piven’s body convulsed and inside I heard the last remnants of his once sultry voice, screaming in horrifying stereo.

My mind reeled with terror, recalling the fitful nightmare. I found myself panting heavily at the memory, shivering with chills. Thank God it was morning. As tired as I felt, I wasn’t about to go back to bed. I’d had my fill of nightmares for one night.

Copyright 2009-2013 by Mina Burrows.
All rights reserved.

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