In 2010, I wrote my YA novel. I finished it roughly a little over two years ago. TWO BLOODY YEARS ago! I'll never understand how authors can bang out books. Never. That said, I edited, revised, had it beta read, critiqued and then repeated that process again and again. I've since had a serious decision to ponder. Traditional or Self-Pub? Well, the sad truth is most agents or publishers aren't interested in vamp novels. There just not and that's okay since I still believe there's still a market for vampire novels. My goal is to stay true to myself and capture those readers who still love vamp lit.
That said, I've been working like a fiend on polishing my story. I've spent a good chunk of time building my online platform too. *smiles wickedly* I suppose nothing is ever perfect, but I've decided to give my young adult urban fantasy novel a shot. I don't exactly have a timeline yet on a book launch, but I'm shooting for Spring 2013. Keep your fingers crossed all goes well.
Cover Reveal: Blessed Blood by Mina Burrows
Aside from graduating college and playing soccer, all Emma wants is to be loved by her opportunist father and forget about the boy who broke her heart. Since accepting her college soccer scholarship, Emma has been betrayed, beaten, bloodied and bitten. And it’s only the first semester.
Before it’s over, Emma must uncover and accept her eternal fate, save her bullying teammates from perilous doom and face the alluring vampire that haunts her. Oh, and win a National title too. Yeah, being blessed is more like being cursed. But for Emma, it’s her only saving grace.
About the artist: Steven Novak is an amazing designer and writer who designed this cover. He's so talented and I'm incredibly thankful he worked with me. If you need wonderful cover art, then Steven's your guy.
So what do you think? Like my cover? Excited about my upcoming release?
Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!
Mina B.
Great cover, Mina! Congratulations.
love the blood-spattered soccer ball - very cool cover and cool premise! Best of luck with your book.
Wow, I really love your cover!! That looks awesome :) I'm excited!
I'm totally doing the 'WOOT-WOOT' dance around my chair for ya. :D
And that is a great cover.
Congrats Mina. CAN'T wait to read it!
Excellent stuff, Mina! I love the sound of your book, and the cover is great!
Whoa!!!! Ok... Gotta... no, no, I'm gonna get my hands on this!!! So excited!! Can't you tell?!
cool cover! Let me know when you have a release date and I'll post a pic on my sidebar :)
The cover is awesome the blurb perfect and you will do quite well!
Great luck!
Girlfriend, I LOOOOOOOVE THIS COVER! It really is just gorgeous, great, vibrant colors, the effect of the wind-blown hair. Gorgeous. Brava and congrats!!! I look forward to Blessed Blood's release!
Mina, the cover is awesome, and you don't need to go with a traditional publisher. Go indie. I know MANY authors who are leaving their traditional publishers to go indie.
Great cover, very eye catching. Good luck with the release, I hope it goes really well. Sounds like a great book.
fabulous cover! i feel your efforts & way to push through! enjoy your success!
Well done, Mina! Nice cover too. I'm not into vampires, but I'm reading something from Christine Rains now (good stuff) and of course, I'm gonna pick up yours when it comes out. I said the same thing about zombies and yet, I found a few books that I enjoyed.
Enjoy the journey.
Beautiful cover, Mina! Can't wait for Blessed Blood to come out!
Intriguing!! Good luck on your release!
I love the cover. I'll look out for your release.
Wow, what a great cover! Congratulations! The book looks totally awesome. :)
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