Mina's Pages

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Book Review: Neverlove by Angela Brown

I just finished reading Angela Brown's Neverlove and wow what a story.  I wasn't sure what to expect for this YA paranormal romance so when I read the jacket flap I thought, cool.  Before I get into the review, I thought I'd post the synopsis.
For seventeen-year-old Abigail, one rash decision leads to an unexpected chance for redemption. At V'Salicus Academy, a unique institute where she trains to become an agent of heaven, she struggles with the pain of her past, the changes of the present and accepts a loveless future until her path – and heart – crosses with Basil’s.

Basil's off-chance slip of the tongue binds him to a life of servitude to the Devourer, the master of hell. His existence has no upside until a chance meeting with Abigail brings new perspective.

Keeping the truth of their present lives from each other brings disaster when secrets are brought to light and the life of Abigail’s mentor is put on the line.

Can Abigail and Basil save her mentor and salvage their love amid the chaos? Or will they lose it all, destined forever to NEVERLOVE?

My thoughts:
When I began reading the first part I thought WOW...that's some powerful stuff.  However disturbing it set the tone for the main character, Abigail (Abby).  She's been marred by her father (of all people) and in return attempts to end her life.  Fate intervenes, prompting her mother to save Abby and enrolling her in V'Salicus Academy.  Like Abby, the Academy was an equally intense organization.

Since Abby is new, Father Quanon agrees to mentor her through the academy and many of his colleagues and superiors start to doubt his motives.  The book at first weaves in and out, describing the lives of first Abby and then her love interest, Basil.  I liked the dark worlds that Brown created, depicting the depth of hell with the sinister dealings of Devourer and then the intricate faculties of heaven.  There were many times when I wondered how the MC's persevere.   I want to tell you in the end love trumps all, but eh, eh, eh...that wouldn't be right, now would it?

If you like books with wicked characters, a ton of twists and a fine dose of romance, then NeverLove is just the book for you.  Find out more about the author, Angela Brown, by visiting her website.  And...I just saw on Angela's website that she offering the e-book FREE for a limited time via Amazon! Go get it today! 

So, are you a fan of Angela Brown?  I am.  Have you read NeverLove?

Mina B.


  1. EEEEPPP!!! I just had a heart happy moment. It is so gidd-i-fying to read when someone GETS the book. Oh, I'm so happy you enjoyed it :-)

  2. Gosh darnit, I need to READ THIS BOOK. I'm going to plow through a couple reads and hopefully get to this one asap.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've had this on my tbr list and really need to get to it soon!

  5. Hey, Mina! Haven't read it yet. Soooo many good books and not enough time!

  6. Sounds awesome, I just loaded it, thanks for the tip :) I finished the book i was reading this morning and was looking for something new to pick up!

  7. I'll check it out, thanks for the review and the suggestion.

    Romance and intrigue -- nothing better!

  8. So many great books... so little time... *groans*

  9. Wow, sounds like a great read! I love a wickedness to any book
