Mina's Pages

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Book Review & Giveaway: Social Media Just for Writers by Frances Caballo

Today I'm reviewing Frances Caballo's Social Media Just For Writers. Get your pencils ready, writer buddies, because you're gonna want to take some notes.  Being a writer is tough enough without having to worry about building a brand online.  Whether you're traditionally or self-published, writers must actively engage their readers with social media.  It's just the way it is, folks and its not going to change anytime soon.
When I started my journey as a writer, I already had a solid knowledge of social media so it was a bit easier for me.  But for some authors, social media is like an intimidating abyss--much like the publishing industry these days.  Nevertheless, it doesn't have to be.  

So you have to create an online platform to build a presence, huh?  Did your publisher, agent or sister tell you to start a blog or get on Facebook?  Now what?  Are you frustrated with your current platform and feel it needs to be revamped?  Or are you just trying to figure our another way to sell your books?  If you said yes to any of these questions, then Social Media Just For Writers is the book for you.

What I liked best about this book was how it was organized.  Caballo breaks down every social media platform starting with the mother of all networks, Facebook.  She walks you through the "must haves" of this monster network and I thought it was really good advice.  She discusses  Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Blogs etc... explaining a host of vital information ranging from profile setup to recommended applications and strategies.  The list goes on and on.  After I read the book, I found myself going back and reviewing different chapters and testing a few tips on my own.  And yes, they worked!  That's when I realized what a great resource it was.  

Let's face it, social media can be fun, but also overwhelming at times.  And what's worse is most of these social networks have poor help/support for general or even complex inquires.  I found this to be another reason why this book is a great reference tool.  For the novice, it makes for a great guide.  For the intermediate or even expert social media person, it provides some great suggestions and perspective--things you may have never known about or considered.

Social Media Just For Writers is available on Amazon or for more information you can check out Caballo's website and social networks: Facebook page, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest.
As an added bonus, Caballo has graciously donated a free copy to one (1) lucky winner. WAHOO! Who doesn't love free sh**? 
Update! Congrats to Carl S. for winning a copy of Caballo's Social Media Just For Writers!   Winners are selected by the reputable Random.org via Rafflecopter.  The winner will be notified by email and will have 72 hours to respond.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, what about you? Think you could learn a thing or two from Frances? Have any questions you want to ask me? 

Mina B.


  1. The section on Twitter alone would be worth it. Still no idea what I am doing on Twitter.

  2. I already have this book on my wish list. Yes, the social circus can be overwhelming. I don't even know what LinkedIn is, but I keep getting invites to join. :/

  3. Thank you, Mina, for the review. I'm so glad you liked the book!

  4. Mina, I tried to do the Rafflecopter thinggiemabob but these things confuse me... I think only three out of four things worked.
    The book sounds AWESOME!

  5. I'm glad I know how to use social media already. It doesn't make me so nervous about getting published. I know how to use Twitter, but I don't like to, though, and probably never will use it unless my future publisher forces me against my will (good luck with that, future publisher!).

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  6. It does take some work to keep current on the various networks. I've limited myself to three and that still takes some doing. I do agree though that writers do need to know how to navigate the world of social media.

  7. Thanks very much, Mina and Frances. I'm very pleased to have won. I'm sure there are many areas covered here that I've not even thought of yet. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
