Mina's Pages

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fridays with Fred: Getaway

TGIF, minions!  As you can see, Fred is packed and ready to get away.  Seriously, Fred has so many friends, everyone wants him to visit.  For the next few days, Fred’s going to stay with a sassy Papillon that we call the rat.  Piper is a perpetual spaz, but somehow…Fred and her connect.  Is it love?  I doubt it.  Let’s just call it a vacation.  I think he gets sick of us, and I know he appreciates the break in the monotony.  He’ll be basking in the sun, frolicking through the field and maybe he'll take a dip in the pool.  It will be endless fun combined with a whole bunch of treats.  Anyway, it feels a bit odd to have him gone ,but it’s only for a couple of days. *sniffle*  Plus, if we miss him that bad, we’ll might have to go and pick him up.
Have a great weekend.
For another crazy shot of Fred try here. Remember to check out Schatze over at Mary's (BookHounds).
Mina B.


  1. Sounds like Fred is going to dog camp. Also sounds like a cool place, maybe you should go too!

    Isn't it strange how empty the house feels when they aren't in it?

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Doggone good sounding vacation Fred, love or not have fun with your bud Piper and take a dip in the pool for me while you are visiting.

    Have a good weekend Mina and don't worry Fred will be happy to come home when his few days are up.

  3. Awww, I can see why Fred is so popular. He's adorable. :)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  4. I want to on vacation too. Can you pack me in your suit case?

  5. @Carla- Hi Carla. Dog camp. LOL. The house does feel odd without him.

    @Jackie-Hi Jackie! Fred did have a blast but totally happy he's home. :0)

    @Lisa- Fred definitely has a following. Thanks, sweetie!

    @Cindy- Cindy, Fred would love to take you with him.
