Mina's Pages

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fridays With Fred: Chewbacca Fred

Hey, minions!  This is longest  I've gone without posting!  Whew!  What can I say?  It’s been a crazy week.  How’s everyone’s summer?  Well, Fred got back from his brief vaca and boy did he have a blast.  Truthfully though, he’s beyond happy he’s home, and we (his devoted family) are positively elated to have him back.  Anyway, while I sort through all the pix he took during his getaway, I wanted to share with you one of Fred’s idols. 

ep.  You guessed it.  Fred’s a Star Wars fan, and Chewbacca is his absolute favorite.  He's the biggest, badass canine there is, right?  Anyway, I took a picture of Fred and morphed him with his icon, Chewy.  What do you think?  Fun, huh? Want to morph one of your own images? Go to MorphThing and get your morph on!

See Fred's eyes and nose?  Cool huh?
Hey, check out Fred when he was a puppy here.  Remember to check out Schatze over at Mary's (Bookhounds.)  
Have a great weekend.
Mina B.


  1. Oh Fred! How you've changed!
    But I think you are more handsome as yourself!

  2. Hi Carla! I laughed so hard when I saw Fred as Chewy. Hugs to Sophie & Darcy!
