Mina's Pages

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fabulous Friday, News & Fred

It's Friday. Woot! I have had a hellish sort of a week. What about you? Work has managed to squeeze every ounce of me these last few weeks, but guess what....I've still managed to get some writing done late at night. Hah! Take that world! This is no small feat for me, because between my family and running a business, writing is incredibly difficult to fit in. Which is flipping sad, isn't it? Eh, that's life. Anyway, I've tallied about 10K words in the last week possibly more. Hey, that's a pretty big deal for me. And to celebrate my small accomplishment, and because it's Friday, here's my happy dance:  


Coming up

Underrated Treasures Blogfest:

Alex J. Cavanaugh's Underrated Treasures Blogfest is scheduled this Monday, September 22th.  Post about your favorite unknown MOVIE, BAND/ARTIST, TV SHOW or BOOK.  I'm participating and so can you.  Sign up here!

A-Z Challenge Blog Interview:

I'll be on the A-Z Challenge Blog being interviewed by the one and only, Alex J. Cavanaugh, about my classic monsters theme from this year's A-Z Challenge.  Remember that?  Yeah, good times.  I'll be reminiscing about those thirty days of hell  *clears throat*  writing those titillating posts about creepy, classic monsters.  If you missed them, click on my link of Creepy Classics.  Seriously though, the theme I chose this year was fun, which made the topic easier.  A-Z tip:  It's just like writing.  Pick a theme you love and it won't seem like work. :)  Anyway, I hope you stop on by on September 22nd.  Wahoo!  . :)

Downey Education Fund:  

Tina Downey's tribute was early this month, and wasn't it wonderful to see all the love and support from all the writers and bloggers in the blogosphere?  She was so loved, and she will be missed indeed.  I just wanted to mention again that Downey Education Fund has been created for her children.  If you can spare some money to support, I'm sure her family would greatly appreciate it.  Click here to donate.  And if you can't donate and you're a blogger, please consider adding this icon to your blog with a link to the donation page.  Thank you for your support!

Photo of the Week

This photo comes from Awesome Things in the World and boy is it awesome!  First question I have....do you know what these are?  (And no, you are not allowed to ask Elise Fallson...that's cheating!)  The second question I have is...can you write a caption?  Here's the one I posted.

"It's raining men! Hallelujah it's raining men. Amen!" 

Fridays with Fred:  Fred & Companionship

I think I've mentioned before about Fred getting older, becoming more grouchy and now he's having some health issues too.  He's fifteen years old so with his age comes a myriad of conditions.  *sigh*  That said, we does have good days.  Fred still gets frisky, palling around with his young whippersnapper friend, Spike.  What's it like have two Jack Russells under one roof?  Never a dull moment.

Do you have any plans this weekend?  Have any news you'd like to share?  Are you signed up for the Underrated Treasures Blogfest? Are you happy it's Friday?


  1. Your A to Z was definitely one of my very favorites! And oh lord, that "Raining Men" photo is hilarious!

  2. I had a blast with your A to Z.

    That photo! I died. Preying mantises wow! Too funny.

  3. I love monsters, Maybe I'll use this theme for next year.

  4. Woot! You go with that word count! I've written maybe 400 words this week. I know pathetic. BLA! I can't seem to get the words out, it's depressing. It's like trying to squeeze water out of a cactus, I know it's in there, but it's painful trying to get it out. Does that make any kind of sense? LOL! Anyway, good to see your word count up. Sorry to hear Fred is having some health issues though, hope they're not too serious. I bet having two J.Russells at home is pretty crazy! And I love your FABULOUS insect photo. They look like they're doing the YMCA. :D

  5. Sophie says to tell Fred hi, she misses seeing him.
    Spike is sure growing up fast.
