Mina's Pages

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Book Buzz & Giveaway: Dracula: The Wild and Wanton Edition by Lucy Hartbury

Lucy Hartbury (a.k.a. Lucy Oliver)  released Dracula: The Wild and Wanton Edition, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 last fall and today I'm featuring Vol. 1.  Woot.  If there's one thing I already love about it, it's the fact that it's a spin-off of the classic, Dracula.  With NBC's Dracula season coming to a close, Lucy's take on the wild, wanton side of Dracula, should be a great alternative for those classically/wantonly inclined.  Take a look at the synopsis below:
Solicitor Jonathon Harker is lucky to escape with his life after he is duped into visiting Dracula’s castle. But while recovering from his ordeal, he doesn't realize that his enemy is travelling to England, where his young wife-to-be and her friend, Lucy, reside. When Lucy is struck down by an unknown illness that takes a sinister turn, her friend and doctor, John Seward, is forced to call in his old teacher, Van Helsing, to solve the mystery. Van Helsing's horrifying conclusions throw them all into a desperate battle against one of man’s most cunning and terrifying foes: Count Dracula.

Always a spicy novel, this version includes scenes that Victorian prudery stopped Bram Stoker from writing himself. Have you ever wondered what really happened in the castle between Jonathon Harker and Dracula’s women? Or about the doomed relationship between Arthur and Lucy? Here is the famous horror classic revealed in all its sensual glory.

Now that sounds hot, huh?  Cue in the visual of Keanu Reeves as Jonathon Harker bitten and enthralled by the Dracula's vampire harem.  Remember that?  Oh yeah.  Well, nothing gets book minions more exited than a giveaway.  And my Free Sh** Fairy threatened negotiated with Lucy to graciously donate one e-book of Dracula: The Wild and Wanton Edition, Vol. 1 to one (1) lucky winner.  Love that Fairy!  And Lucy too, of course.

To enter, please fill out the information below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for entering!  If you don't want to wait, get your copy of Dracula: The Wild and Wanton Edition, Vol. 1 here.  Oh, and you can Lucy at the following online hot spots.   




Mina B.  


  1. Thank you for featuring me! And good luck every-one with the draw.

  2. Sounds interesting, I'm always down to check out anything Dracula related and I love the show!!

  3. You got me at Keanu Reeves. Much continued success, Lucy. I can't wait to read your Wild and Wanton editions.

  4. Good luck with this, Lucy! Dracula is already spicy, but I can't wait to see how much more spicy he can be! :D

  5. This sounds great. I am loving the TV series of Dracula, although I am a little behind and need to get caught up.

  6. I love new takes on the Dracula tale!

  7. I think that this promises to be a very exciting read.

  8. Oh this does sound like an exciting read! And Mina, this reminds me, have you been following the tv series Dracula? I love how Dracula falls in love with a woman named Mina! You could so play that part. :)

  9. Dracula retellings seem to be "in" lately! You're right, this one does sound hot...

  10. I enjoyed Lucy's book 'Winter Storms' and am looking forward to this very different Dracula book.

  11. Thanks everyone who entered and to Mina for hosting me! If anyone would like to read Dracula, it is currently on offer as part of the Crimson Romance Valentine's sale at £1.24 ($1.99).

  12. I won it!!! I can´t believe it!! Thank you lucy and thank you Mina, you made my day ;)
