Mina's Pages

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Best and Worst Remakes Blogfest

It's the Best & Worst Movie Remake Blogfest, minions.  Woot!  Hosted by Alex CavanaughStephen Tremp, Livia Peterson, and Al Diaz, this awesome topic is one that stumped me.  How sad is that?  I even researched it and came up with this recent post Entertainment Weekly did last month.  They asked readers to vote on this same topic.  The article, "Best/Worst Movie Remakes: You Voted, We Say..." lists so fun winners and losers here.  Check it out. Sadly, none of the movies they listed were on my radar.  I ended up choosing the ones I could recall quickly.

Best Remake:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer!  Most people didn't care for the original, but I kinda liked it.  Remember the Vamp DJ who took over the turntables?  Or Pee Wee Herman?  Yeah, I liked it.  Originally debuted in 1992, BVS, a crazy teen-take movie had little impact but not a bad following.  Did you see the original?

Five years later Joss had a vision and reVamped the series and.... voila!  

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an instant cult classic.   

Worst:  The Original:  WWW began back in the last sixties and ran for five seasons.  I used to love to watch reruns of this show.  I was so excited about the remake, but when I saw the poor reviews, I decided to wait for the rental.  When I finally watched it at home, I remember I fell asleep during the movie.  What a disappointment. 

Wild Wild West:  1999 Remake

Best Song Remake:  Wild Horses, originally written and preformed by The Rolling Stones back in the early 70's was and still is a great song.  Fast forward two decades later and The Sundays remade the classic and boom...another hit.  Love this song.  Hope you do too.

Have a great weekend.

Mina B.


  1. I'm basically movie-challenged, so I cannot really comment on your choices above!
    Have a great weekend!

    Writer In Transit

  2. I was a big fan of Wild Wild West. It was a part of my childhood. That remake was atrocious.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  3. Yep. The original Buff was fun, but Joss' remake was sooo much better. And I used to love the Wild Wild West, too; what a fun show that was!

  4. Yes!! Couldn't agree more on The Wild, Wild, West....such a travesty and it made my 'worst' list, too.

    Great minds and all that :)

  5. Ok, I actually liked the old Buffy . . .odd, cheesy, I don't care. I still liked it. However, the series was pretty awesome.
    And Wild, Wild West was just bad - I wanted to like it, but it wasn't likeable.
    Great picks!

  6. The Wild Wild West...now there's one I haven't seen on any other list yet. And I completely agree. I used to watch the reruns with my Dad.

  7. yay for buffy & whedon!
    i kinda liked WWW, never saw original... but i like will smith & adore kevin kline!

  8. according to comments i need to see www original shows!

  9. Didn't know Wild Wild West was a remake. I enjoyed it though--and Buffy as well.

  10. Wild Wild West was like the worst movie Will Smith ever took part in. I really hated it. I watched Buffy, but only the season with Angel. Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  11. Agree on both (although I kind of liked the Buffy film). The series was exceptional.

    And WWW had just one bright spot for me...Salma Hayek.

  12. Oh yeah, WWW was BAD. Big fan of BUFFY the series -- I often forget about the movie!

  13. I never watched Buffy, either version, but I agree what they did to WWW was criminal.

  14. The original Buffy was good for what it was -- light comedy. And I'm still impressed by Kristy Swanson's moves in the movie. But obviously, the series was so much deeper, and it remade urban fantasy into what it is today.

    The Wild Wild West was a fun series, although a few of the episodes that did not feature futuristic technology were rather slow. The movie was this oddly stupid remake -- remarkably so, considering the level of talent involved.

  15. Love the Buffy movie! Catching it on TV way-back-when is what finally convinced me to give the show a chance. Needless to say, the TV series is now one of my faves!

  16. Believe it or not, I never saw either Buffy or WWW movie. I didn't know the song either, but I do like it.

    Rhonda @Laugh-Quotes.com

  17. I still love the original Buffy, and had a grudge against Sarah Michelle Gellar for ages 'cause she just wasn't Kristy Swanson ;) I love the TV series, but I will never get over my love of the super-cheesy yet HILARIOUS original.

  18. I do apologise for my lateness in commenting on your posting. All these blogfests and blog hops and contests and whatever, are taking their toll on my last two brain cells.

    I'm not really sure about your best remake movie. However, I loved the TV show, "The Wild, Wild West." Used to watch it on Friday evenings. The movie of the same name was just awful.

    Thank goodness you didn't mention Susan Boyle's cover of "Wild Horses".

    Gary :)

  19. I dig both Buffys for different reasons. Didn't really catch on to the TV series till after it'd already wrapped up (I know - I live under a HUGE rock). Thank God for Hulu! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  20. Not a movie buff, but wanted to say howdy anyway!

  21. I didn't realize Wild Wild West was a remake. It was just a bad movie.

  22. Hi Mina! Just dropping by to say hello.

  23. I have to admit that I never watched either version of Buffy. Terrible. I know.

  24. I LOVED the original Buffy. Couldn't do the series. Didn't really like the characters. *sigh* Wild Wild West? Yeah, I'm right there with you. Not so great. *shrugs* Well, they tried.

  25. Maybe WWW was bad as a remake, but not terribly horrible as a movie, all-in-all. But maybe I'm biased when it comes to my man Smith. Writer’s Mark
