Mina's Pages

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

ISWG: You Can Do It!

Insecure Writers Support Group is back and it feels like its been forever.  Am I right?  First, I'd like to thank Alex for creating and hosting this monthly meme. I also want to thank Alex's co-hosts this month, Lynda Young, Mark Koopmans, and Rachna Chhabria!

Okay, today I thought I'd post something inspirational that I found the other day.  Today's authors have an insane amount to manage daily whether traditionally or self-publishing their novels.  Sometimes, it seems like too much.  The second I saw this image it immediately transformed my thinking.  How about you?

One person can do so much!  Don't ever doubt it.  :)

Mina B.


  1. Wasn't it Ghandi who said one person can make a difference?
    I like that sign!

  2. Thanks for the simple boost of inspiration! This was sorely needed...

    Writer In Transit

  3. I love that, lose one word and the quote becomes so much more positive!

  4. That is clever! We do tend to underestimate ourselves.

  5. Sometimes I feel the weight of that "only", but in general...yeah. We can do whatever we put our minds to.

  6. Thanks for sharing, Mina. I'll remember that on those days where I'm feeling low and feel like I'm drowning under the pressure.


  7. As S.L. says above, sometimes that "only" is a pretty big word in the sentence. However, it is only one word ;) and I am very fond of reducing word count!

  8. Great sign. I need to remind myself of this . . . (:

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  10. Hey Mina! Saw your comment. The Reflections Linky list is open through Friday. You can post anytime this week and add your link to the list.

  11. Aw, I love it! So needed that today!
    And btw thanks for stopping by and commenting on my first page. :)

  12. Hi Mina,

    Indeed and removing the "only" makes all the difference.

    Gary :)

  13. Dig it! Just what I needed to see tonight! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic
