Mina's Pages

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

ISWG: Your Mind Does Matter

Insecure Writers Support Group is finally here.  I feel like a need it too. *sigh*  Before I get started with my latest insecurities, I have to thank Alex for creating and hosting this monthly meme. I also want to thank Alex's co-hosts, Misha Gericke and Joylene Nowell Butler!  Be sure and visit these folks because they rock too.

Today I'm a bit frustrated.  Lately I've had so many other life challenges that I'm finding it hard to stay motivated.  It feels like one step forward two steps back right now.  Additionally, I'm noticing negative thoughts are resurfacing which only make things worse.  My hope is to release these demons with this post and hopefully get back on track.  It doesn't help that everyone in my house is sick with the flu, but that's another story.

I found these images which I thought were appropriate for this post.  I think this may be my current problem.  I don't think very highly of myself most of the time.  I'm forever thinking I'm too @#$^& or not enough @#&%^!  I wish I'd get over myself by now.  I mean really...aren't we (meaning me, myself and I) on the same team?

Whew!  I feel better now.  Thanks ISWG!  What are your insecurities this month?   

Mina B.


  1. So true. It's really not productive to look down on yourself.

    Something that I've found that helps is this. List 10 positive things about yourself. Keep the list where you can see them. Read them to yourself, agreeing the whole time.

    Then next week, put 5 more things on the list. ;-)

  2. Misha's advice is perfect!

    I feel your pain, I've been down on myself lately too, but it's time to dust ourselves off and get back into a positive mndframe!

  3. That last one is great!
    We're our own worst enemy sometimes. We just have to thwart our own efforts to do ourselves in.

  4. That's the great thing about the IWSG...you always have an ear to bend about your insecurities...even if that ear is only virtual :)

  5. Good advice, Misha. And I like that second picture! Hope you're still feeling positive :-)

  6. Keep your thoughts positive. My internet connection is flaking out on me - might have left a previous, more well-thought comment. Not sure. :/

  7. We all get negative thoughts at times. Just don't let them last. You've got to notice them, find the root, dig them up and put them in the chopper. You know who you are and, I'm sure you've got plenty of people in your life to back this up, wonderful as you are!

  8. I could really use one of those "no" signs next to my computer.

    Feel better Mina because you ARE AWESOME and yes, I would know.

  10. The last couple of weeks in Feb. were my downer weeks. I was totally blocked and everything was negative. I just read and watched as much inspiring books and shows as I could, played some up beat music and literally pulled my spirit back into being. It helps to vent too! :)

  11. Everybody goes through times like this. I was going to say exactly what MiMi said above -- watch some TV, read some books, listen to some music.

    You'll bounce back. Just take the time you need!

  12. I've been following a book 'Peace is Every Breath' which has some very workable exercises to banish negative thoughts. Has worked for me.

  13. Mina you are AWESOME!!!
    Tell yourself that! Because you are!
    I'm sending you a MAJOR BOOST of virtual positivity all the way across bloggyville-------WHOOSH-------
