Mina's Pages

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday - Saint Patty's Day Weekend

I apologize for not posting or visiting my blogger buddies this week.  The flu bug I picked up from my son turned out to be a heck of a virus.  With the weekend almost here, I'm finally feeling much better.  Man, that one really kicked my rear.  It's perfect timing since Saint Patrick's Day is this weekend!  Does anyone have any plans?  Are you a fan of green beer?  What about being pinched?  Do you wear green that day or do you not really care?  Me?  I always loved this saying:  "There are only two kinds of people in the world, The Irish and those who wish they were."  
Friday Funnies

Vampire Bill looks a bit like a wee leprechaun, huh?

Walking Dead on St. Patty's Day:  "Must...have...green...beer."

This has nothing to do with St. Patrick's Day, but I thought it was funny since its Friday.

Cute, huh?  And that Irish one looks a bit like Fred.

Fridays with Fred
Speaking of Fred, I took this shot of Fred twitching his nose.  Have you ever seen a dog do that?  So silly.  I love this crazy pooch.

Be sure and stop by and visit Schatze over at Mary’s BookHounds too.

Happy Saint's Patrick's Day.

Mina B.


  1. Glad you're feeling better!
    I like the Friday 15 one.

  2. Glad you guys are feeling better too. The vampire Bill pic cracks me up! HAHAHAH! Looks like someone stole his lucky charms . . . or bloody charms ? :P

  3. I love the vid of the zombie and the must-have-green-beer caption. Great! I hope you get better soon and have a fabulous weekend! :-)

  4. glad you are feeling better - Fredsie is so cute. Achilles says hi! Love, LB

  5. Loved that Friday the 15th pic with the dejected Jason...lol

    Glad you're feeling better...

  6. Happy you're feeling better. That flu is a nasty lit'l bugger. The zombie creeped me out and I had to share it with my son, the keeper of all things zombie in this house. He loved it! :) Thanks for sharing, for him, not me. Lol.. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  7. The flu was brutal this year. Glad you're better.

  8. Glad you're over the worst of the flu Mina!
    Fred is too cute! How can you resist that face?! It just melts you...
