Mina's Pages

Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday Friday & Fred

Friday Funny!  Okay well, my manuscript is off to my editor where she'll no doubt rip it to shreds.  I thought this funny was fitting.  I'd say Santa is my manuscript, and I am the reindeer.  Yes, my manuscript has decidedly kicked my ass this holiday season.  

Fridays with Fred

A few weeks ago, I posted how I busted Fred eating the turkey carcass.  Below was his punishment   Hehe.  
Yeah, he didn't think the punishment fit the crime...but we sure did.  LOL.  He's too darn cute, isn't he?

Stop by and visit Schatze over at Mary’s BookHounds too.

Have a great weekend.

Mina B.


  1. So excited for you, having your ms edited. The waiting sucks, I know, but it's good to get another pair of eyes on your work. I hope I get to read it sometime soon! And Fred is rockin the Santa hat! Looks a lot better on him than me! (;
    Have a great holiday break, spoil yourself and your son and enjoy family and friends...and lets work on getting your ms published in 2013, okay!? (=

  2. Don't let it whip you!
    Fred looks ready for the holidays. He should be glad it wasn't antlers.

  3. I'd say Fred got off easily! I agree with Alex. Antlers would've been more humiliating.

    And love that cartoon! I envy you, having a completed manuscript to work on (or, let it work on you as the case may be). My relationship with first drafts is always rocky.

  4. Note to self - don't drink cocoa while reading your cartoons. Where's the screen-cleaning wipes? :)

  5. Well, I'll be happily cleaning my tea off my keyboard for the next half hour! Thank you for the laugh!

  6. hehe, that was a funny one and I agree that the antlers would've been a more fitting punishment; he would've looked exactly like the Grinch's little dog :)

    ps maybe we can beta for each other some day?

  7. Somebody needs to give me a whipping to make me finish a manuscript. Congratulations on your pain and agony.

    Tossing It Out

  8. It's nice to get to that point where your book is being edited, isn't it! I'm still trying to get there with my current WIP. Cute pictures!! Have a lovely holiday!

  9. Ooooo... good luck waiting on your edits! I swear the wait is harder than working. ;-) And hope your holidays are fantastic, Mina! <3

  10. Good luck with your MS! And thank you for the Friday laugh. Happy holidays to you and yours!

  11. Your doggie's adorbz!!!

    Good luck with the editing and believe that any red marks are stepping stones to making your MS the danged bestest MS it can be! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  12. I bet that is wonderful and painful to have your ms edited. Have a great holiday!

    I made a full Santa suit for my chihuahua about 25 years ago. I wish I had a picture of him.

  13. Good Luck with your MS.
    ... and hope you have a wonderful New Year Mina!

  14. Funny cartoon and Fred's too cute.
