Mina's Pages

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ninja Captain Alex's Genre Favorites Blogfest

It's time for Ninja Captain Alex's Genre Favorites Blogfest.  Thanks Alex for creating such a cool blogfest.  It's hard to narrow down our favorites, huh?  I'll do my best, minions. 

One blogfest, four favorites!  List your favorite genre of:

A Guilty Pleasure.

Movie:  Video Game Movies /Fantasy

Although this isn't a clear-cut genre category, it sure as hell should be.  These are games I've played, of course, and when the movies released, I couldn't get enough of them.  And today they still have to be some of my favorites.

Resident Evil: Retribution - Go Alice!

Tomb Raider

Music:  Alternative
I like all types of music, but presently, I'm dig'n alternative bands like No Doubt, Black Keys and GroupLove.
No Doubt: Settle Down
GroupLove: Tongue Tied
Books: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Um...duh.  Isn't that obvious?  If you want to know which books, check out my reviews section on my blog or visit me on GoodReads

Guilty Pleasure Genre:  Historical Romance Novels, especially men in kilts.

I never had a true appreciation for men in kilts until I read Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie series.  These best-selling historical romance novels involve dangerous Scottish brothers, dressed scantily in traditional family garb and not giving a damn what the ton thinks about it.  Oooh Jennifer Ashley is a godsend when it comes to historical/regency romance novels.  And there's no way I feel guilty about that.

Those are my favorites.  What about yours? Have you seen Resident Evil: Retribution?  What's your favorite music genre?  What about books?  What novel are you reading?  And by all means, tell me your guilty pleasure.

Mina B.


  1. Lara Croft. Awesome and you rock. (:

  2. Men in kilts!
    I watch most of the games-to-movies films as well. Seen all of the Resident Evil films.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  3. Great choices! Settle Down is growing on me and really getting under my skin.

  4. No Doubt and Resident Evil!!! We should hang out sometime!

  5. Yes, yes, yes! Men in kilts! LOL. Have you read Diana Gabaldon? Just saying...

  6. It's a shame that so many movies based on video games are bad. Prince of Persia and Dungeon Siege come to mind. I did enjoy Tomb Raider though!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  7. Oh yeah, video game movies should DEFINITELY be a genre category. I wish I'd thought of that. I love the tomb raider movies and I went to the newest Resident Evil film on opening night. Awesome.

  8. I put movies based on books as a genre, so I can see your point with the video games.

  9. Okay... men in kilts made me smile. And Alice? Such an awesome, kick-ass girl, just like you! :D

  10. I also like No Doubt- they've really come a long way. Saying hello from the blogfest!

  11. I totally forgot about video games made into movies. That would be one of my guilty pleasures.

    I'm all about PNR/UF :).

  12. Yay for men in kilts! I have a weakness there, too. :D

  13. Video game movies as a genre made me giggle.

  14. Fantastic list! Similar to mine. Oh, I'm guilty of liking men in kilts too. Did I just admit that out loud?!

  15. I think Gwen Stefani is awesome... she's smart & sassy with such an eclectic style!!

  16. Hello, Mina. Sorry it's taken me so long to work my way through this blogfest list. I like the look of your site here. I promise to be back. Thanks for sharing.
    Take care,


  17. Forgot about Tomb Raider. Haven't read any historical fiction in a while and never with men it kilts. So much to read...

  18. My son is a huge resident evil fan. I love the Black Keys. And I used to be addicted to historical romance. I ended up ditching it in favor of YA, but I'm always up for men in kilts. haha

    Nice to meet you! New follower btw. :)

  19. I'd say video game movies would definitely be a category. I haven't seen the new Resident Evil yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Especially excited that Michelle Rodriguez is back (along with other old characters).

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures
