Mina's Pages

Monday, May 7, 2012

A-Z Challenge: Reflections Post

It's time to reflect on last month's A-Z Challenge.  I'll try to keep it short.  My theme was likable characters, and for the most part, I stayed true to it.  I'm proud to say I never missed a post.  *happy dance*  That was no small feat, I assure you.  There's a reason it's called a challenge, huh?
For me, the hardest part was blogging daily and keeping the content engaging.  I think some days I preformed well, others...not so much.  The challenge forced me to be a bit more organized with planning and writing my blog posts.  And the best part about the A-Z Challenge were the connections I made with other writers.  Visiting, reading and commenting on other blogs helped bring home the experience.  And for that, I am grateful.  

In a nutshell, although the A-Z Challenge was challenging, it definitely had its rewards--the people.  Sometimes the writing process is a lonesome one, but what I found out with A-Z is...it doesn't have to be.  :0)        

Mina B.
And damn proud too!


  1. congrats! Posting every day is pretty much the only thing I was proud of with this challenge. Although there were a few posts that actually stuck with the alphabet-titled theme!

  2. Congratulations on not missing a single post. It certainly was tempting to just "take a day off"!

  3. Glad you enjoyed it so much!! It's all about the connections in the end and glad you made some new ones.

  4. Congrats for never missing a post! I really enjoyed reading your blog and will be coming back for more in the future.

  5. It was more difficult trying to visit blogs for me this year. Didn't feel there was as much of that going on.

    Well done on making it to the end.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  6. I agree it's about the people. Your theme was great.

  7. I agree - the human connection is the most important factor in the A to Z...
    Sometimes, just taking a few seconds to leave a simple comment on a blog, could be a sorely needed boost for that person...

  8. My props to YOU. You were a much braver soul than I ;) And you rocked the A-Z. Awesome job! :D

  9. I wasn't as organized as you and paid the price, running behind on some days. Very happy to have met you, Mina!

  10. I think the challenge was a great challenge! Like @mooderino said, it was hard to see all the blogs and I don't know if I got as many views as I would have liked from other participants.

  11. The challenge was a challenge for me as well,as I'm a lazy blogger, really. But out of all these, I'm glad I met you. :) Your topic was interesting as well.

  12. You did a great job with this challenge and I totally agree, the people element was definitely the reward. (:

  13. You did a great job for this challenge. I really liked reading your posts.


  14. I here you. I did one of those challenges and it was tough for me. But very rewarding.

  15. The connections were the best part! I wish I could say I was more organized. haha.

  16. I agree; the greatest pleasure of the challenge was making connections (and learning terrific tips from fellow writers).

    Dig the layout/design of your blog! :-)

    Some Dark Romantic

  17. Congrats on finishing the A-Z challenge, woo hoo! Your site was recommended through Bouquet of Books. Glad I found it, I love anything paranormal :)


  18. Hey Mina, You did a great job getting through A-Z, Congratulations!
    I agree that even though it was hard work creating a post every day, the connections made with people make it all very worth while. Thanks for being one of those people.

  19. Congrats - I kinda failed in the posting-everyday field. Although I can't wrap my head around it, because last year I managed 2 blogs!...
    Can't wait till next year to take it head on again!
    Visiting all was a challenge for me, nice to meet you through the Challenge! :)

    English Speaking Zone

  20. Way to go for doing this challenge and doing it about likeable characters too! That's awesome.

  21. Awesome job with the A to Z Challenge... so awesome that I mentioned you in my reflections post. :D
    Love your blog and all the paranormal stuff!

  22. You should be proud! I am too, but I feel bad I couldn't visit blogs more often. Still fun though. :)

  23. Mina, I was going to send you an email about my problem with Google Chrome, but I did not have your email address. Just to let you know after a lot of annoying emails between me and them and lots of diagnostic reports I have now switched to Firefox!

  24. A to Z is a great way to break out of one's writing shell for a spell.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  25. I enjoyed your posts for the challenge, Mina. Congrats on finishing!

    Writing these reflection posts allows us to evaluate what we can take away from all that effort. Nice wrap-up.

  26. Yes. The challenge's main benefit was the people I met too. Funny how we can say that--and mean it. Because it wasn't really true. Yet, our minds connected for a brief moment on the ether.

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