Mina's Pages

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A-Z Challenge: The Joker

The A-Z Challenge continues, and today's letter is "J." And as far as characters go, who doesn't love the iconic psycho-criminal, The Joker. Originally published by DC Comics as Batman & Gotham's Public Enemy #1, The Joker was a menacing force of evil that tore through Gotham and kept Batman, a.k.a. Bruce Wayne, gainfully employed. Over the years, we've seen the Joker evolve or morph into different and sometimes greater characters. Wasn't the Joker the ultimate supervillian that you loved despite his sadistic tendencies? Here's a glimpse of the many versions of the Joker:  

Hollywood's take...
Caesar Romero

Jack Nicholson

Heath Ledger
 Which of these portrayals was your favorite?  Mine was Ledger.  What was it you liked best about the Joker?

Mina B.


  1. Ledger all the way.
    He had that dark psychopath crazy look in his eyes.

  2. Romero and Ledger. Ledger was THE ultimate Joker. The Joker has gone through many revisions. Like my writing. Ha! *waving*

  3. The Joker was always one of my ver favorite villains, even before The Dark Knight, but wow is he even cooler under Heath Ledger's acting brilliance.

  4. Every time I think of the Joker I think Heath Ledger. And then I get kinda sad...

  5. I think Heath Ledger is by far the scariest joker ever.
    Dropping by from the A-Z!

  6. I like Jack Nicholson. Heath Ledger was too dark for me, and of course now so sad he is dead - indirectly from this role. I adored him. He was a fantastic actor.

  7. I also think Heath Ledger did a good job playing the Joker, and like someone else had mentioned here, I feel sad thinking about him.

  8. I never liked the joker - too creepy for me.

  9. I like the later versions of both. The animated Dark Knight comics were the best.

  10. I actually found the Riddler more interesting than the Joker in the Batman series. But as far as Joker's go...Ledger was phenomenal!

  11. Nicholson, but I'm not a real student of the Batman things. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  12. @Elise Fallson - Totally. A bit freaky, huh?

    @Robyn Campbell - LOL! I know what you mean!

    @Lynn Proctor - He definitely had his spin on things.

    @S. L. Hennessy - I know. Complete brilliance.

    @Jackie said - That's the standard answer.

    @Rachel Morgan - Me too.

    @nutschell - I agree - less cartoony.

    @DonnaGalanti - It's a shame, huh?

    @Cynthia said - Still, he had many accomplishments for such a young man.

    @Tonja - Really? I get it, but I tend to do creepy. Lol.

    @Alex J. Cavanaugh - Yeah, I agree. I went through a Dark Knight phase.

    @DL Hammons - I enjoyed the Riddler as well, but the Joker is my fav.

    @Sharkbytes - Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Jack was my favorite Joker. Ledger had the look only because of his brooding, suicidal nature. Nicholson made it fun.

    Too, I like the old time DC comics and their Joker.

  14. Jack and Heath portrayed such different versions of the character, and I loved them both. Before Heath was officially announced to play the Joker, I was thinking Jude Law would make a cool, creepy Joker.

  15. I visited another blog earlier today that focused on Heath's version of The Joker, including movie clips. I had forgotten just how fantastic he was in the role - made me want to go watch the whole movie again. Such a tragedy that he died so young - his talent was breathtaking.

    Wishing you continued success with the A to Z challenge,

  16. Ledger is my favorite portrayal, too. I know that the Joker is more of a comedic force in the comics, but I like to see him as a true villain. It'll be interesting to see how Hollywood depicts him next.

    I'm working on catching up with your posts! *flails*
