Mina's Pages

Monday, January 2, 2012

Critique Partners & Beta Readers Match Up

Critique partners & beta readers are what make a writer’s world go ’round.  Right?  Okay, maybe not all the time, but they’re still pretty important. Over the years I've had people beta read and critique my work. And to be honest, I was pleased with the process. I got what I needed and then some. Unfortunately, I never actually found an ongoing critique partner.

There’s no rhyme or reason, it’s just what happened. This year, I want to try to change that – not just for me, but for any other writer friends searching for help. 

And so I've decided to post this Critique Partners & Beta Readers Match Up. My goal is to inspire the readers and writers that follow my blog to collaborate on creating thrilling reads! 

The process is simple, if you’re looking for someone to critique or beta read leave a comment and well…let’s see what happens. I would love to have as many people as possible to comment – both readers and writers. 

In need of a critique partner/beta reader? Sign up for my Critique Partners & Beta Readers Match Up. 

If you are a writer and are need of a critique partner or a beta reader, please comment on this post. (See sample template below.)

Name: (Name or blog handle)
Email: (Your email address)
WIP: (Give a few details)
Genre: (Genre details)
Critique/Beta Reader Needs: (Provide info about the type of critique or a beta reader you need/want.)

Lastly, if you’re interested, I found two really good posts. YA author, Sara Hockler, recently wrote an excellent post about critique partners. I highly recommend reading this if you have any questions about the process. And another great post is by fellow friend and author Kate Evangelista. If you have any other posts you’d like to share, comment and post them below.

Mina B.


  1. What a great idea, Mina! I wish I could participate, but I'm a bit taxed for critter-time at the moment. Good luck! :)

  2. Happy 2012!

    CP's are essential, I feel. Great idea to match people up. I feel fortunate to finally find crit partners to stick and that we've learned to communicate with each other more effectively.

    It's important to be respectful to each other -- in giving and receiving feedback. And it's important to be honest. It's better you cp hear it from you than in a review later on.

  3. Good idea. My group of four years has kind of fallen apart. I'm not quite ready to make the leap into another group yet, but I'll check back and see what's happening.

    Happy New Year!

  4. That's a wonderful thing to help others with. I'm very fortunate to have three blogger buddies who are the most amazing critique partners.

  5. Blogger keeps knocking me off Follower lists. I showed them. I re-upped with yours. Free time is so scarse for me with me as a rare blood courier that I do not have the time to be the partner to you that I wish I could be! Thanks for tweeting about my quest for 1000. And check to see if Blogger knocked you off my list! Happiest of New Years, Roland

  6. Wow. I can't believe I wasn't following such an awesome blog. Oh well, I've fixed it now.

    Happy New Year!

  7. I matched up with someone during WriteOnCon and it turned out to be a great experience. It helps when you find someone who writes not just the same genre as you, but also the same elements. Thanks for offering this match-up. I'll have to consider it.

    Happy New Year! :)

    I left an award for you at my blog.

  8. I'll have to remember this. I'm not looking for a critique partner/beta reader at the moment, but it's always good to know where they can be found.

    Happy New Year!

  9. I would love to participate, actually. I tried to get someone to do a chapter swap with me over on my blog, but I had no takers. The next book I'm publishing is an adult Contemporary Fantasy called 'Dirty Eden'. I'm in another editing phase right now, but will be looking to match up with someone soon. I hope to publish 'Dirty Eden' in March! So, if you find someone that might want to help out with a critique, or a full swap, let me know!

  10. I am a beta reader (as well as a blogger) I wrote a guest post a while back about beta readers http://www.loveromancepassion.com/it%E2%80%99s-a-beta-life-for-me/

    I give examples of how to beta and what is required of one. If you want a good beta you can teach them to be what you need. most 'fan' betas don't feel comfortable pointing out what is wrong with their favorite authors work . You need to give them permission in the form of an example. Send them a page that has been properly beta read so they get an idea of what you are looking for.
    I am big on the feedback. I insert my internal dialog while reading. If something is sad, funny, sexy or confusing, I say so right in text (inserting it in red). That way the author knows if they are conveying the emotions they intended in a scene. I love beta reading and I am damned good at it ;) It is like puzzle solving. Finding plot holes and oopsies and that dreaded 'favorite' word of the author.
    anyway...I am can offer some beta work. I have over 10 authors that use me religiously, but work comes in clusters. I can have a few weeks with nothing then BAM! So I am hit and miss. My general rule of thumb is 1 week for a novel, 4 days for a novella, and shorts (or single chapters) I can usually do in a day and pretty much without notice. If you can give me advanced notice I will block off time for you. Drop me an email if you have questions or would like to send me a chapter to see if you like my style of beta work. sstogner1 at gmail dot com :)

  11. Name: Shani
    Email: mysteriousauthorpublish-design@live.com
    Genre: Paranormal Mystery
    Critique/Beta Reader Needs: I'm in need of a beta reader.
    Critique/Beta Reader Needs: Beta reader who will look over and read my work and see if there are any punctutaion's amiss or spots in the story that need fixing.
