Mina's Pages

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fridays with Fred: Day Dreams

Happy Friday, minions!  I'll make this post short, but sweet.  Fred's daydreaming.  I think he's dreaming of a meaty bone.  That's my guess.  What's yours?
What do you think Fred's dreaming about?
Also, the Spooktacular Book Hop starts October 24th and runs until October 31st (eod) so be sure and stop by to enter to win.  For this book blog hop, I giving away Andrea Cremer's Wolfsbane! Wahoo! #soexcited about that. Thanks Free Sh** Fairy!

Be sure and check out Schatze over at Mary’s BookHounds too. 

Have a great weekend.

Mina B.


  1. "why won't they put more wine in my bowl? ruff"

  2. "Mom is getting me a new pal for Christmas"!

    That sweet boy looks so peaceful and relaxed who cares what meanness he is dreaming about getting into. LOL
    have a great weekend Mina!

  3. I think he is dreaming about a perfect day. Steak meals, romping thru meadows, swimming in lakes, sunbathing. Hot chicks, cool drinks.

    You rock Fred!

  4. Looks like a very peaceful dream.

  5. @Lisa - LOL! You know how Fred loves his wine.

    @Jackie - We tried getting Fred a pal once, he didn't like it. He doesn't like to share the spotlight.

    @Carla - You're probably right, sweetie.

    @Deedles - He sleeps at least 18 hours of a day, so...he probably is dreaming. :)
