Mina's Pages

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fridays with Fred: Zombie Preparations

Well, minions.  Happy Friday.  Fred's knee deep in zombie land - Max Brooks style.  Surviving zombies wouldn't be that far of a stretch the way things are in this world, eh?  Anyway, I'm curious.  What type of zombie apocalyptic preparations are you making?
Zombies? It could totally happen!
Here's Fred's Zombie Prep list:
* Neverending supply of guns - Tony Stark would be proud.
* 5 machetes - Hacking is inevitable.
* 1 Japanese Samurai sword - A must have!
* 2 boot knives - Yeah, buddy.
* Knife sharpening kit - self explanatory
* Plenty of MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat)
* Flava Flav necklace - Don't ask.
* White vinegar - It's like acid to zombie flesh.
* Water balloons - Because it would be fun.
*  Endless supply of doggie treats - Can't forget Fred.

Any other suggestions?

Have a great weekend.  Remember to check out Schatze over at Bookhounds. 

Also, tomorrow is the last day to enter the Banned Book Blog hop!  The winner can choose - one of three banned books: Crank, Breaking Dawn or The Hunger Games!  Click here for details.

Mina B.


  1. Looking good there Fred! Being prepared is a good idea!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Great list! lol

    I suggest a flamethrower. And flame thrower fuel, because what good is it if it has no fuel?

  3. Hehe, that's definitely a great list! :)

  4. Wow, Fred's really prepared! And what a handsome stud he is, too! The zombies are really gonna be after him!

  5. I've been away for awhile but once again Fred made my day!!
    Ha Ha!
    Zombies beware!

  6. @Carla - You never know...Make sure you're prepared.

    @Judi - A flame thrower is an excellent addition. Thx!

    @WritingNut - LOL. Fun stuff.

    @Ali - Poor, Fred. If I was a zombie, he'd be my first mark.

    @Deedles - Hi, Sweetie! Missed you. Thanks for stopping by. :)

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