Mina's Pages

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fridays with Fred: Rough Week

Well, minions...Fred and I have had one heck of a week.  The word insanity doesn't even describe the four day workweek that felt more like ten.  Fred's feeling it too.  Poor buddy.  Anyway, it's not much of a post, but hey...at least we made it, right?

Have a good weekend.

Interested in viewing another pix of Fred, click here.  Don't forget about Schatze over at Bookhounds.  Love her!!!

Mina B.


  1. Mina poor little Fred looks so whipped.
    We had a 4 day weekend that has turned into a horror show, we are in Bastrop County where all the homes are gone from the wild fires and our home is one of the losses. It got our whole neighborhood, every home exploded and then burned to the ground.

    We are blessed though, no injuries and we got all the pets out with us.

  2. Mina and Jackie...So sorry to read about your week. The floods here spared us. Sending you prayers.

  3. Oh, Jackie! My measly week is nothing compared to yours. I'd forgotten about the fires. I'm terribly sorry, sweetie. I'm sending you love and prayers.

    Thanks, Linda for your kind words.

  4. Aww Fred. Hugs and kisses from Darcy and Sophie. They'd give you a back rub and tummy rub too if they were closer,
    Sorry you had a long week Mina. Sometimes the short weeks are longer than the regular ones.
    Prayers to you Jackie. So sorry about your home, glad you are ok, and with your family and pets.
