Mina's Pages

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fridays with Fred: Drill Sergeant

Happy Fridays with Fred, everyone!  Fred’s playing drill sergeant here, attempting to wake one of my rug rats.  He’s not exactly like Nana from Peter Pan, but I gotta give him props for his effort. Love that about him.

Hope you have a great weekend.
"Yes, Drill Sergeant!"
Interested in viewing another pix of Fred, click here.  And remember to check out Schatze over at Bookhouds.  

FYI: I'm giving away a copy of Bloodlines by Richelle Mead.  Click here for details.

Mina B.


  1. That is really sweet. Have a great weeked, too.

  2. Can't get 'em to play with you and feed you unless you can get 'em moving!
    It's a tough job.

    Have a great weekend Fred and Family!
    Darcy and Sophie send xoxo.

  3. That's a great photo! We have a German Shepherd named Zutchka, and he lays on my boys in the same way!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the follow, which I gladly return. We're in the same paranormal romance group (2) in the Campaign. I read plenty of paranormal romance, and have a novella in the wings that touts a vampire.

    My first novel, Claiming The Prize, published yesterday, so I've been busy this week. It's not paranormal, but contemporary romance/action/inspy-edgy. I hope you'll stop by again to grab up the FREE coupon I'm offering this weekend. For me, I'm heading over for a chance to win your giveaway for Bloodlines! Thanks!
    ~ Nadja

  4. My cat doesn't have any trouble waking me up. She might not be as big as Nana, but she gets the job done! (insert meowing here)

    Also, I’m a new follower—wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :) http://rachelbrookswrites.blogspot.com/

  5. Well, no one's exactly like Nana... :)

  6. @Ron - Thanks! Fred's really one of the best dogs ever.

    @Carla - You're right about that too. Fred knows who feeds him. :)

    @Nadja- Hi, Thanks for the info on the book & for stopping by. I hope its not too late. I'm going to check now. Thx

    @Rachel - Hi Rachel! Thanks for stopping by. I'm heading over now to check your's too! :)

    @Elana - I had a Nana lookalike when I was a kid that I swear if was a cartoon would have been Nana’s twin.
