Mina's Pages

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fridays wth Fred: Time Out

Hey, minions!  Today’s Fridays with Fred is a shot of Fred in time out.  You might be wondering what he did to get in the time out chair, but truthfully he didn’t do a thing.  He’s totally posing but you gotta wonder why his ears are back like that?  Feeling guilty about something, Fred? I don’t catch all his crazy canine shenanigans, but believe me…he pulls them every day.  Life with Fred is never a dull moment.

Have a great weekend!
Fred!  Go sit in time out!
Check out another bad boy pix of Fred here.   Please remember to visit Schatze over at Mary's (BookHounds). 
Mina B.


  1. I think Fred is practicing to be an actor so he can star in some big tv show.
    Go get em Fred!
    Darcy and Sophie send xoxo,
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Cute (I stopped by from the blog hop)

  3. Everytime I see pics of Fred it makes my day!

  4. @Carla - Hi, sweetie! Fred's a ham. LOL! XXOO to Darcy & Sophie! :0)

    @Cozy - Hi, Ann. Thanks for stopping by. New follower. :0)

    @Deedles - Thanks, D. He makes me feel that way too. :0)
