Mina's Pages

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fridays with Fred: Virtual Fred

Well, I had to do it.  "Virtual Fred" is here thanks to Mary and Schatze over at BookHounds.  Schatze is virtual too so be sure and check her out.  I laughed so hard when I saw Schatze's virtual self.  She's too cute for words and a trend setter too.  As for Fred, when I created his, it didn’t have a feature for spots so sorry if it's not exact.  Also, Fred complained about the tail being too long because you know from way back he’s got nubbin issues.  Anyway, “Virtual Fred” is interactive.  Play ball with him and toss him a bone or two.  He like to play just like the real Fred. 
Enjoy your weekend!

For sillier Fred shots click here. That’s the entire listing of him to date. Man, he gets around.

Mina B.


  1. Virtual Fred is addicting just like Virtual Schatze Mina!

  2. That's cool!
    But the real Fred is without equal!
    When you give Fred (or Schatze) a bone can everyone see it, or just in your own screen?
    Wow, he sure chased that ball fast!
    Have a great weekend!
    Darcy and Sophie send xoxo.

  3. @jackie - I love VF. He's total fun! Schatze's too!

    @Carla - Fred: There is no substitute! :0)
