Mina's Pages

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Book Review: Larissa Ione's Eternity Embraced

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of reading Larissa Ione’s novella, Eternity Embraced ,and boy did it get me salivating for her Demonica World again.  Man do I love that realm and all those delicious characters!

For those of you that don’t know, The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2, originally published Ione’s story along with a compilation of other author's works including Jennifer Ashley – another one of my fav authors.  Anyway, Ione recently released Eternity Embraced as a stand alone novella in e-book format.  This short story was just enough to tie over all of her insatiable Demonica readers (like me) until the release of her new spin off series, Eternal Rider.

Before reading this tale, Ione mentioned that the story takes place in the Demonica World, “somewhere after Book 3.”  That being said, the tale opened up with vampire slayer, Andrea Cole, who sneaks into a billionaire's home that’s infested with vampires.  She’s been in this predicament before - slaying vamps and all - but that’s not what worries her this time around. Oh she knows she’ll stake some vamps, she’s just praying it won’t be the love of her life, Kaden Quinn.  The novella revealed that her boyfriend, Kaden, was captured by vamps and yes…he was turned.  And what’s Andrea to do now?  Her one and only true love is now a fanged beast!  Who will kill who first?  Will Andrea stake Kaden and put an end to their dead end relationship?  Or will Kaden suck the living daylights out of Andrea?  Ooooh all that blood is quite the aphrodisiac.

I know what you’re thinking – all you Buffy fans.  If you haven’t read the series, you're probably automatically assuming this vampire slayer story is just another remake of Joss Whedon's hit series.  Well my friends…you couldn't be furthest from the truth.  This is a tale about eternity embraced – not eternally doomed.  It’s a paranormal romance, guys so sit back and enjoy the ride as these two lovers – Andrea and Kaden – try to find a way to be together, despite being on opposite sides.

I totally enjoyed Eternity Embraced and frankly it’s got me primed and ready for Eternal Rider.  On my MB KilloMeter, I gave it a 4.  Yeah, that was a nobrainer. 

Until next time…Demonica, Demonica, Demonica…need I say more?

Mina B.