Mina's Pages

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fridays with Fred: The Little Devil

Today marks the first day of the best month in the entire calendar year…October. Why? Because I live for this month! I think a lot of people do too, right? I have spider webs and spooky decorations galore plastered all over my house – and that was since mid-Sept. I don’t mess around when it comes to Halloween and neither does Fred. Even he’s gotten in the spirit, the little devil.  I know. I know. I just couldn't resist.

Do you have any adorable Halloween pet pix you’d like to share? If so send them my way. Email me your pet’s picture in a costume (by Oct. 28th) and I’ll post his/her shot on Oct. 29th.

Until next time…Halloween almost here! BOO!

Mina B.


  1. Awwww - he is too cute, that little devil!!!

  2. That's the cutest little devil I've ever seen.

  3. Why, he is a little angel with devil horns. He is a keeper!
