Mina's Pages

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Annual Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop

The annual BANNED BOOK WEEK for 2017 is this month from Sept. 24th and ends Sept. 30th!  Yay, who's read a banned book this year?  The way things have gone lately, I'm sure you've read one that's banned or partially banned. Right? Anyway, I'm participating in Giveaway Hop hosted by Mary from BookHounds to celebrate the event which starts on Sept.15th and runs until the end of the month.  How awesome is that?  It's good being bad, huh? I know it is.

Just to Name a Few

To see the most recent list that made the banned books list, visit American Library Association to see which books made the list and why. Below is just a sample of many banned books that I love. Do you have a favorite?


For the Banned Book Week Giveaway, I'm giving a free $10 Amazon Gift Card for one (1) lucky winner. Our winner can choose their preferred banned or challenged book.  See details below on how to enter.  Be sure and tell your friends!

To enter
You MUST be a GFC follower of my blog & MUST fill the form.

Extra entries
+1 Subscribe via email to my blog
+1 Like me on Facebook/MinaBurrows
+1 Retweet this Twitter (limit 1 retweet)

Again, the giveaway starts at 12:01 AM EST on Sunday, September 15th and runs September 30th midnight. Contest is open to International participants.

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Mina B.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

IWSG - Life So Far

Hi IWSG, friends!  I'm behind schedule for my IWSG posts, but not to worry.  I'm still plenty insecure about my writing so we're good.
Special thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh, the creator of IWSG and also this month's dynamic support team, Tyrean Martinson, Tara Tyler, Raimey Gallant, and Beverly Stowe McClure!

September's ISWG question is Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by trying a new genre you didn't think you'd be comfortable in??

For me, this is a tough question.  I usually just write what I feel, nothing more.  But I have written in a style that I describe as a somewhat detached sentiment of the first person.  It's hard to explain only that it was based on the character and their thought process.  It's was incredibly challenging and in that sense, I was surprised by the result.

Life So Far

To give you an update on things so far, last year, if you recall our house had a flood.  It took nearly a year to get all the everything fixed.  And of course, while we were at it, we had other major repairs to do.  In short, we had non-stop renovations and it was near impossible to get any true writing done. Now we have somewhat finalized things so I finally feel at peace.  I could go into the particulars but then...


...there's a part of me that doesn't want to go there.  I survived so let's leave it at that.  Since as recently as a week ago, I've been settled back into a workflow that I feel has promise.  

What about you?  How were you surprised with your writing?

UPDATE:  Wish us South Floridians luck as we wait for Hurricane Irma!  It looks like it will be a doozie!  Yikes! 

Mina B.