Mina's Pages

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pumpkin Carvings Inspired by Books

If you're like me, you've waited a bit longer to carve your pumpkin so that the darn thing doesn't shrivel up and die before Halloween.  Every year I look for inspiration when carving my pumpkins and every year I'm marveled at the creative minds that reinvent this tradition.  Gone are the days where you carve out simple geometric shapes to make your basic pumpkin.  Now the designs are getting more and more elaborate.  Such creative carvings might be a turnoff for some folks, but I'm willing to bet if you're a book lover, you'll see these designs and get a whole new appreciate for your favorite book and those wicked cool pumpkins.

If you're interested in where to get these designs, I pinned most of them on Pinterest.  Take a look here.

Harry Potter



Lord of the Rings


Headless Horseman


Where the Wild Things Are


True Blood


The Hunger Games




Game of Thrones


Cool huh?  Aren't these fun?  Well, I'm not sure which one I'll do.  I'm kind of partial to the Harry Potter eyes and scar one since it seems a bit easier to execute.  Anyway, wish me luck.  Have a great weekend.

Mina Burrows

Saturday, October 22, 2016

2016 Spooktacular Giveaway Book Hop

Hello my friends!  It's time for the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop 2016 hosted by Mary from Bookhounds!  As everyone knows, Halloween is one of my favorite times of year.  What a better way to celebrate then to participate in a giveaway that's all about books, the scarier the better!

There are over 100 blogs participating in this blog hop with such frightfully wonderful giveaways which I'm sure you'll be dying to enter!  Books and more books are what's at stack here but I'l like to keep things simple with these hops and with my giveaway. 

I'm giving away one (1) FREE $10 Amazon Gift Card.  See the details below on how to enter:

To enter…
You MUST be a follower of my blog and MUST fill out this entry form. (And yes, I do check GCF)

Extra entries…
+2 Subscribe to my blog
+2 Like me on Facebook/MinaBurrows

+1 Follow me on Google Plus
+1 Tweet this Twitter (limit 1 retweet)

The giveaway runs from 12:01 AM on Oct. 22nd - October 31st, midnight. Contest is open to
 International participants. 

Check out all the blogs participating by visiting Bookhounds!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Frenzy Friday: Something Really Scary Has Happened!

So what's happened that's terrified me?  I've just realized that I've only posted SIX posts so far this year.  And this is how I feel:


Yikes, I'm so sorry about that! Anyway, I thought I'd give you an update. The house is still in disrepair. The claim has gone many rounds and we are still waiting for the insurance company to do their part. This process is exhausting. Anyway...we'll get through it. Keep us in your prayers. Writing has been terribly difficult when you're living in a complete mess. UGH.

What's Happening Next?

SpookTacular Book Hop

Tomorrow the SpookTacular Book Hop Begins.  There are over 100 blogs participating in this event so be sure and stop on by to enter to win.  This is one of my favorite blog hops and not to mention my favorite time of year.  Can you say pumpkin spice latte?  There's nothing like overindulging in these while reading a wicked good book!  Come one.  Come all.  Stop by and enter to win or just say hi!  I'll be here in between insurance claims, client work and my scribbles of course.  

NaNoWriMo Starts Soon

It's happening again!  There are so many wonderful things that happen during November and NaNoWriMo is one of them.  Have you signed up yet?  I've pulled some things together and am making plans as we speak.  Wish me luck, my friends.  The house gods have tested me these last few months and I shall do my best to ignore the construction-mode my home is under in the wake of NNWM!  Indeed I shall need to summon a creative goddess to guide me towards success in achieving my writing goals. What about you?  Are you participating in next month's NNWM?

That's all I have for now.  Check back tomorrow when the blog hop is live.  Miss everyone!  Happy October!

Mina Burrows