Mina's Pages

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

IWSG: Tasting Life

Howdy partners!  It's Wednesday and time for another month of IWSG.  Created by Alex J. Cavanaugh, IWSG wouldn't be so awesome without support from these folks this month: Tamara Narayan, Tonja Drecker, Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor, Lauren @ Pensuasion, Stephen Tremp, and Julie Flanders!

I hope everyone's summer was fantastic!  Mine started off great with kids in camp and then a vacation, but then we cam home to a flood in our house.  Ugh.  Long story short, apparently this is a common occurrence--to go on vacation and come back to a flood.  Who knew?  Anyway, I'm dealing with insurance claims and renovations and trying desperately not to lose my mind.  That said, I'd like to share a picture of my vacation and let you fine people guess where I went.

Take a guess?

IWSG:  Tasting Life

This summer I've tasted life and then some. My writing is going okay but like many things, could be better, home issues aside.  The good news is I'm dealing with everything as best a possible. I found this quote that resonated with me and helped combat all the insecurities I'm feeling about writing.  

How many things have you written about that allow you to feel you've lived another life or several? Perhaps none, but I'll bet there have been many. Reading is one thing, but as you know writing is an entirely different thrill. Ever fought dragons, wielded a light saber, or cast a wicked curse? Ever get lost in a romance story, solve a murder mystery or possibly become embroiled in an epic family dispute? If so, then you've lived. There are times when this writing gig frustrates us whether its the writing, endless editing, querying or performing the other litany of "to-dos." I guess when it comes down to it, it's nice to have a sense that we've known our characters and our story's so intimately it's not only like we've lived multiple lives....we've created them. So when you're down like I've been recently, try to think of all the lives you've created, saved and lived. How's that for tasting life?   
Anyway, I'd love to hear about your summer. How's it going?